Setup for Success 

Play, discover, imagine, share, create and adventure together!  

All welcome.  Friday mornings 9am - 10:30am 


Children from birth to 5 years with parents and/or a carer join us in Term 4 for Setup for Success every Friday morning. We will back after the school holidays!


We will have a brand new weekly Setup for Success program out soon for Term 4 too. 

Watch this space! 


Thank you to all new and existing families who attended in Term 3.  


We had a fabulous Setup for Success Term 3 program which was  full of play, learning, 

creativity and discovery.


Don't forget Setup for Success is free and all are welcome. 


Enjoy the school holidays,

Laura, Kylie and Kaitlin 




More About Setup for Success


Every Friday morning we welcome you to our engaging and free Setup for Success program with your child/children aged birth to 5 years. Setup for Success is proven 

to be the perfect transition program for pre-school aged children to give them the best possible start.


Setup for Succes is held in our Early Learning Centre and coordinated by our fantastic Kindergarten teacher Mrs Lange. Each week there is an theme and activities to enjoy, 

challenge and immerse in.


For: 0 - 5 year old children with a parent/carer

Time: 9am - 10:30 am

When:  Every Friday morning in our Early Years 

Learning Centre or out on excursion

Cost: Free

What to bring:  A piece of fruit for morning tea break

All Welcome. No bookings required. 


We have created a Facebook event so you will not miss a week. 

Please share the event with a friend and their little ones 

and make it a wonderful morning out and playdate!

