P.E. | Excursion to Swisherr 

We are an accredited Move Well Eat Well School


Last week Grade 5/6 students visited Swisherr for a basketball session during PE. 

The students thoroughly enjoyed it. All students are to be commended on the 

impressive level of participation and effort that they displayed. They represented 

their school admirably. 


The coaches were highly engaging and the students did not stop smiling. 

We have been learning about basketball over the last month in PE and it has been encouraging to see how their initial skills have advanced and culminated in terrific 

team work. 


Sport is not only about the physical components. Teamwork, perseverance and collaboration are life skills that transfer well from sport into all parts of life. 


Grade 3/4 also had the opportunity to visit Swisherr and the other classes commence Athletics in Preparation for the Athletics Carnival in Week 1 of term 4. 


Mrs Andrews 

Physical Education Teacher