Principal's Message

with Mr Brendan Gill

Principal’s Message


At our final assembly this week, we recognised all the wonderful achievements of our students in Term Three.  As well as our normal End of Term awards, we also recognised those students who participated in extension opportunities; the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee, the National History Challenge, the Australian Mathematics Competition, and Franklin Representative Sporting teams.  It is great to offer these opportunities for our students and a credit that many took them up with enthusiasm and vigour.  


This term has also seen progress in our planning for the 2023 school year. 

2023 looks particularly bright for John Paul II:


• New Multi-Purpose Activity Centre (we will consult with the community in regard to 

   the naming of the centre).

• New Specialist Art Space

• New Specialist Music Space

• New School Lunch Program - healthy school lunches offered to all students in 2023 

   at a low cost to parents. *Subject to Catholic Education Tasmania approval.

• Construction of a new state of the art School Library.

• New after school care space.

• New Expanded Enrichment Program - Initialit Extension, Pageturners: Reading

  Extension, Maths Extension, The Expressionists: Creative Writing Program, Various

  Extension Opportunities & Competitions throughout the school year.

• School Fee Reduction - school fee reduction, average decrease of 13.22% 

  (due to improved funding arrangements)


All of our initiatives align with our Strategic goal to pursue achievement and the best possible outcomes for the students in our care.  


In Term 4, we will distribute a feedback opportunity for parents. This will give parents an opportunity to highlight strengths of the school and identify areas for growth.


I wish all families a restful term break.  Term 4 is set to be a big one!


Brendan Gill | Principal