Art Exhibition

VCE Studio Arts & Visual Communication Design
On October 11th Mr Andrew Houghton opened the Exhibition which showcased the VCE Year 12 Studio Arts and Visual Communication Design in the foyer of the PAC.
Mr Damien Lees, (VCD teacher), Mrs Marion Power (Studio Arts teacher) and Ms Maddy Anderson, (Technician) were joined by the Year 12 Students, Guardians, Parents, and friends, to view and enjoy the works developed over 2022.
Students of Visual Communication produced a wide and varied array of designs stemming from the different fields of Visual Communication; Environmental, Industrial and Communication Design. In producing their final presentations, students called on both digital and manual based methods. Making three dimensional mockups, as well as posters and technical drawings based on current industry standards, which communicated complex and well refined ideas in response to their own briefs.
Students of Studio Arts presented a variety of artforms in producing their artworks, which included Installation, Textiles, Collage, Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Construction and Drawing. The student work included reflections on identity, time, home, social issues and our connection to the natural world. These works were developed through the studio process; a Folio and years’ worth of written and conceptual research, exploration, trialling materials and techniques to develop and present their Unit 4 artworks. The presentation of the two artworks from each student was conceived and designed by them for exhibition.
This exhibition demonstrates Huntingtower’s commitment to arts education, and its role as a platform for our students to express their diverse ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. Congratulations on a wonderful Exhibition and years’ work.
Mr Damien Lees (Head of Visual Communication Design)
Mrs Marion Power (Head of Art)
If you would like to keep up-to-date with Viscom at HT follow Mr Less Instagram account that highlights the amazing work of these senior students: