
More Media Nominations!
Well done to our Year 12 Media students who have achieved some wonderful film festival results recently.
We are very excited to have 3 students traveling to the Gold Coast on November 26 for the BUFTA film festival!
Please vote for their films in the People’s Choice Category here:
Nominees from Huntingtower
Best Music video- Pineapple on Pizza by Laila S
Best Animation- Coalescent by Erik P
Best Comedy - Adverse Advertising by Daniel C
STUFFit Film Festival
Last week many of our students were involved in the STUFFit Film festival in Queensland.
They have achieved some outstanding results winning almost every category! Their prizes will be present in the Final Prize Giving assembly later in the term.
Best Experimental - Inescapable Mind by Karina T
Best Senior Live Fiction- Falling by Oscar L
Best Documentary - Mum’s Bolognese by Isabella M
Best Music Video- Pineapple on Pizza by Laila S
Runner Up best Music Video Perfectum by Lara B
Runner Up Best Animation - Coalescent by Erik P
Highly Commended Adverse Advertising by Daniel C
Well that was Fun by Aiden F
Nite Vision by Alex I
The Pumpkin Killer by Oscar Li
Chasing You by Miranda F
ISV Student Arts Festival
Congratulations to Miranda and Erik for being selected for the ISV Arts Festival.
Miranda has been awarded Highly Commended for her work.
Highly Commended - Chasing You by Miranda F
Finalist - Coalescent by Erik P
Monash Youth Festival
Congratulations to our Media Students who were winners at tonight’s Monash Youth Film Festival at Village Cinemas:
Best Animation - Erik P
Best Drama - Oscar L
Best Experimental - Karina T
Best Acting - Lara S
Overall Best Film - Daniel C
Other finalists were also featured - Haresh L, Isabella M, Miranda F and Rishan D
Ms Mel Beal
Vice Principal