HT P&F News
Hi to all from the Huntingtower P&F.
We hope everyone had a wonderful September break and you have all enjoyed the last term of the year so far.
Hoping all in our Community have been keeping dry and you haven’t had too much damage caused by the crazy weather we have been having.
As always the P&F team have been busy this last month planning for some future events.
Year 7 Parent night:
Thanks to the team who helped us run a Tea/Coffee stand for the parents of the 2023 Year 7s. It was lovely to welcome them to our Community and watch their heads spin with all the info they received on the night from the schools wonderful staff. It took me back a few years to when I was in their shoes.
Upcoming Events:
Cinema Under the Stars
As you would have seen by now from emails, SMSs and on Facebook and Insta we have been busy planning our Cinema Under the Stars Event for 5th November.
Unfortunately due to La Nina causing havoc with our regions rainfall we are going to have to postpone the event until the 24th March 2023. Fitting it into the calendars has been crazy.
We would like to thank all the people who had prepurchased tickets and we will be in contact soon to sort out ticket transfers or refunds.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but unfortunately the good weather booking we made fell through.
The Bureau of Meteorology has promised a long and warm Summer following this Big Wet Spring. So keep your fingers crossed as we really need to get our community back together for a fun event.
Leave Your Mark:
We have been working behind the scenes to organize some pavers for outside the PAC that you can engrave your name on so you can be part of the school forever.
Keep an eye out for details coming very soon.
Carparks and Drop offs:
Just a reminder to everyone out there to slow down when driving within the school grounds.
The kids are working hard and have their minds on their schoolwork so its our job to have our minds focused on their safety. Slow down and please be patient. Let’s make sure everyone gets to and home from school in pristine condition.
Stay safe and hope to see you around the school soon.
From the HT P&F Committee