Junior School

JS Swimming Carnival
Well done Ruthven!
What a fantastic day full of races from the Year 3-6 students, where we saw new records broken, lots of smiles and jubilant house spirit.
Thank you to the parents who came to support, and of course thank you to Mrs Clapp and the dedicated Junior School team who made it all happen!
Age Champions:
8/9: Mabel L & Marcus L
10: Chelsea Z & Jaxson B
11: Audrey W & Kanan B
12/13: Thalia D & Jamie W
New Records:
- Chelsea Z | 10 Girls 50m Backstroke | 41.49s
- Chelsea Z | 10 Girls 50m Breakstroke | 45.74s
- Chelsea Z | 10 Girls 25m Butterfly | 19.74s
- Jamie W | 12/13 Boys 50m Breastroke | 41.14s
- Year 4 Ruthven Relay (Carly A, Rehan S, Mabel L, Chelsea Z, Cheng-Yun Hand Austine W) | 1.52.80mins
Incursion company PrimeSCI presented incursions for the Year 1 and Year 3 students in Week 4. The Year 1 students enjoyed learning about different dinosaurs and creating casts of a dinosaur tooth or claw. The Year 3 students observed macro invertebrates from freshwater samples. Lots of fun and learning was had by all.
Ms Katrina Watson
JS Science Teacher
ELC Zoo Incursion
Thanks to Chris from Wild Action who brought some visitors to the ELC, where our brave young students got up close with some fascinating animals.
Last Monday 4 of our Grade 6 students met with our artist in residence, Shlomit Moira who is currently working on creating a custom artwork in the Junior School. The students compiled the questions themselves and did a wonderful job of interviewing the artist. How lucky we are to be able to watch the sculpture evolve and meet with Shlomit.
How did you end up doing this type of art?
I had a job being a graphic designer but hated it and was always more interested in 3D art. I moved to Australia and decided to learn how to use the chainsaw. I worked hard and put in a lot of effort.
Where did you get inspiration from?
I thought that this was a Junior School; therefore I thought the sculpture should consist of happy things. Then, I realised that most Junior School kids also enjoy scary, action-filled things. When I first originally saw the tree stump, I envisioned a troll woman. I did lots and lots of sketches and saw more trolls. That’s when I thought I should make a legendary kingdom.
What do people often think of you when you tell them you work with a chainsaw?
Well, it’s actually quite funny; because they don’t expect a woman to do this kind of job, this kind of career. When some people come to see all the things I’ve made to buy they always ask “Ooh did your husband make these?” And I have to tell them that I actually made these things.
How many times have you made artworks in school?
I don’t usually make artworks in schools. I make them in my workshop then bring them to school. I mainly make wombats.
How long have you been creating sculptures?I have been creating sculptures for 7 years - ever since moving to Australia from Israel.
What inspired you to work with a chainsaw?
A chainsaw is just a tool; and you have to use the right tools for the right sculptures. I don’t only use a chainsaw. I use many other different tools. For the bigger sculptures, I use a chainsaw.
What is the most important sculpture you have created?
I don’t really have a most important sculpture I’ve created because I try make every sculpture a balance of nature. I don’t want to destroy trees for nothing; so I want make sure that it’s always worth it. I believe that if it inspires people, and makes them feel good, then it makes me feel that that sculpture is important.
How long does it take to make a sculpture?
It depends on the size or the sculpture. Sometimes it could take a few weeks, a day or two hours. The more complex the longer it takes.
What happens if you make a really bad mistake, for example chopping off a whole chunk from an important piece?
I try not to get too attached towards my work because this may happen, and if it does I improvise and change the design. I have to be very flexible.
What’s your favorite sculpture you’ve done so far?
I don’t have a favorite sculpture because I always feel like the last one that I’ve just done is my favorite.
Do you need a license to work with a chainsaw?
No. Not at all, but I think it's good and important to know safety. I’ve watched many tutorials and videos on YouTube and I think I am very familiar with the tool.
How do you make finer details, like eyes?
I have a wide variety of tools, scaling from large to small. I start with the chainsaw then get to the smaller tools like a chisel or a special concave eye rounder. I also use a sanders.
Ms Gillian Nix
JS Art Teacher