From the Principal

Thought for the week

“A day well lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope.” 

Indian proverb


This Indian proverb recently led me to reflect on our graduating Class of 2022. I commend all our wonderful Year 12 students on how they celebrated and connected at the end of a long year, and I’m incredibly proud of the manner in which they demonstrated, modelled and amplified our School values. They had fun while also expressing gratitude and kindness. 


Their charter of Live, Laugh, Love was truly evident during the Year 12 Final Assembly. The Valedictory Dinner was a true celebration, and it was lovely to have the parents join us this year. Henry Z, our elected Valedictorian, spoke from the heart and adapted our motto of Nosce Te Ipsum to Esse Te Ipsum; ‘be thy true self’, encouraging everyone to be themselves and to be happy with who they truly are. We are all so proud of the class of 2022 and know they will move into the future as confident and kind individuals who will make a difference in the world in their own way. 


Our School Captains, Prefects’ Council and House Captains have been elected for 2023. Congratulations to Daphne G and Lachlan K on their appointment as our School Captains next year. They have the full support of their peers and staff and I know they will represent Huntingtower and themselves to the best of their ability.


We also congratulate all members of our Prefects’ Council, as well as our House Captains:


Prefects’ Council

Matthew C

Pranav C

Toby G

Benjamin H

Eleni M

Harshitaa N

Katherine N

Hugh R

Ava R

Michael X


House Captains

Bruce – Anushka S and Matthew C

Mather – Ava R and Michael X

Rayner – Sophie W and Marcus P

Warrell – Eleni M and Arthur Inigo K-J


We know that they will all act as positive role models and ensure that the true values of the School are upheld.


At the end of this year, we will say farewell to two retiring long serving members of the Huntingtower community. Mrs Joanna Clapp has been associated with Huntingtower since 1977 as a former student, and is currently Head of Junior School Physical Education and Sport. On behalf of the School, I would like to thank not only Mrs Clapp, but her entire family, for the tremendous contribution they have made to Huntingtower and its history. We are grateful for Mrs Clapp’s contribution to Huntingtower as a whole, and specifically her enthusiastic and tireless work within the Junior School Sport Department. 


After 45 years in Education, Mrs Jenni Deubel has decided it is time to hand up her ‘teaching’ boots. Mrs Deubel has been at Huntingtower for 15 years. She has held many positions over this time, most recently as our Year 10 Coordinator. Her integrity and honesty and love of our students has always been at the forefront, and we were fortunate enough to have both of Mrs Deubel’s boys, Jake Deubel (Class of 2009) and Noah Deubel (Class of 2014) as Huntingtower students. Mrs Deubel will be truly missed.


We wish both Mrs Clapp and Mrs Deubel every happiness as they take this next step in their life’s journey. 


We also say farewell to the following staff: Mrs Indrani Banerjee, Mrs Rosie Barron, Mrs Carly Buhagiar, Mr Rob Doxey, Mrs Jai Gardiner, Ms Honee Aboulhosn, Mr Ryan Shave, Mrs Lisa Sutton and Mrs Laura Trevaskis. We thank them and wish them all the very best for the future.


In 2023, we are pleased to be welcoming the following new staff to Huntingtower:


Thomas Barlow (English Teacher)

Connick Cheung (Secondary Teacher)

Nicholas Dinnison (Junior School PE Teacher)

Kay Gavas (Secondary Teacher)

Dora Handby (Junior School Teacher)

Adrienne Oates (English Teacher)

Andrew Phillips (Head of Humanities)

Caitlyn Platt (Head of English)

James Ryan (PE & Health Teacher)


Next year, there will be a change of Bell Times to bring the Junior School and Senior School into alignment. This change will ensure we are able to have better sharing of staff and programs across the School.  In 2023 our school times for Monday to Friday, as a whole School, will be:


Period 1:                                                                   8.30 – 9.30

Period 2:                                                                   9.30 – 10.30

Recess:                                                                     10.30 – 10.50

Period 3:                                                                   10.50 – 11.50

Assembly/Mentor:                                                11.50 – 12.20

Lunch:                                                                       12.20 – 1.10

Period 4:                                                                   1.10 – 2.10

Period 5:                                                                   2.10 – 3.10

Period 6:                                                                   3:15 – 4:00



This Term, we have seen some amazing success in Debating, Chess and Media. I encourage you to read more about this further in this Bulletin. I would like to acknowledge the dedicated staff who work tirelessly with the students, and to the students themselves for their dedication to pursuing personal excellence. 


Uniform Changes

In 2023, we will be implementing a few changes to the way we view the School Uniform and making some additions. Given the temperamental weather patterns we have in Melbourne that often deliver 4 seasons in one day, and also that we have a uniform that compliments all aspects, we will be removing the need for a set seasonal uniform. The uniform will now be considered as a collection with all items permitted to be worn at any time of the year.  In 2023 we will also be introducing the option of shorts for all secondary students. The other change we are making to support increased participation in swimming, is the inclusion of a Huntingtower rash vest (long and short sleeve) and board shorts as optional items in addition to the regular swimming attire. This is for internal events such as swimming lessons and House Carnivals. The boys will also have the option of swimming “jammers”. Any student who is representing Huntingtower in an external event will need to wear the regular bathers or if they have a blue racing suit, they may also wear this.


More detailed information will be sent to families before the end of the Term. We will also advise of the formal uniform and the events at which this is expected to be worn. 


Speech Night

We are delighted to advise that parents will be invited to attend Speech Night this year. Speech Night is a celebration of the year and also a chance to acknowledge our student award winners. We will be holding Speech Night in our Performing Arts Centre on Friday, 9 December at 7pm. We will be sending further information to the community later this year regarding ticket availability and compulsory student attendance.


We wish the class of 2023 the very best as they complete their final exams. 


Mr Andrew Houghton