Sport News

So, lockdown got you feeling blue?
Bummer that you can't go out to play sport?
Well, so are your teachers and school support staff!
So instead of simply posting 'sport has been postponed, AGAIN', let's take some time to learn about your teachers at the school.
Old hands, new members, people who you wouldn't associate with sports, and people who keep the school ticking over.
Miss Lentini
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
I love swimming and did a lot of long distance training as a kid. I played netball a lot - but my enthusiasm (and volume) far outweighed my talent on the court... I've been involved in physical theatre and dance for... as long as I can remember.
However, my FAVOURITE sport of late has been... weight lifting! (Does this count as a sport? I'm saying yes because it's in the Olympics) Specifically, deadlifting. I train 3 times a week (whenever lockdowns allow). For some reason lifting heavy things and putting it back down again is thrilling. I've been doing weights training for about 8 years.
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
The other day I deadlifted 110kg. Pretty thrilled about that. My trainer has figured out that if he says he's going to film my sets, I have perfect form and will hit PBs... I'll always perform for an audience...
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
Hmm... Cathy Freeman winning gold in 2000... Ian Thorpe bringing it home in the final leg of the mens relay in 2000... I was in Grade 6 during the 2000 sydney olympics and I was in awe of these two incredible Australians. I don't think I understood at the time how remarkable this representation was at the time. But does my heart swell with pride when I think about it now.
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Okay so I've recently been obsessed with Tom Daley, UK Diver and avid knitter. He's an openly queer athlete, top of his field, WHO KNITS ON THE SIDELINES BETWEEN COMPS. What a legend.
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
If there's anything that my work in the Performing Arts has taught me - natural talent can only get you so far. To get places you need to be prepared to do the work. Show up. Listen. Push your limits.... it's worth it.
Mr. Van Gemert
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
Badminton (started playing at school, got to regional level but now play for fun. My reflexes are not as quick as they used to be!) and Cycling (especially long rides from Geelong down to the Otways).
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
Not being hit by cars while riding.
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
2000 Olympics Cathy Freeman. I still remember the hopes of a nation and her focus despite the weight of expectation on her
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Kurt Fearnley (not only for his sporting achievements but also for completing the Kokoda Track and his advocacy work) and Louise Savage (9 gold and 4 silver medals between 1992 - 2004)
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
Persist ......effort is it's own reward.
Mr. Patterson
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
Playing - Aussie Rules footy (many years ago, for Lindenow South).
Nowadays - watching: AFL and doing - bike riding and bushwalking.
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
Greatest achievement - U13 Basketball premiership (our team was called the Prima`s!)
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
I have a few:
(i) Being a spectator at the Sydney Olympics was pretty cool, sports uniting people from all around the world.
(ii) Carlton winning the 1995 Grand final is also a contender - and the memory is becoming ever more sweeter as we continue to languish in the bottom half of the ladder.
(iii) Australia winning the America`s cup in 1983 - I remember this because I was 8 and I was watching this surrounded by shearers in a shearing shed (there`s a whole back-story here I won`t go into) - Everyone stopped work (which is unheard of) and watched on a small TV together - again, uniting people all across Australia.
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Ash Barty and Roger Federer (champions in their sport and really nice people)
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
Have fun!
Ms Coghlan
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing?
Who do you play for (or coach)?
Tennis and Netball have been my sports. I've played both since primary school. Although, Netball has continued into my adult life, even today. I've played both girls and mixed. So I've been playing Netball for 25 years (WOW I sound old writing that!)
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
Honestly, I have been in and won Grand Final's in both sports but I just loved hanging with my friends and being able to see them and have fun every week.
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
I think the sporting moment that comes to my mind is Cathy Freeman winning gold in the 400 metres at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. It was one of those moments in time when you remember where you were, and who you were with, and the build up was just as exciting as her actually winning.
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
There are so many amazing athletes who inspire me but more for what they do off the sporting field and what they do to give back to their communities and to grassroots sports. However on a sporting note in tennis, I always loved Monica Seles and Andre Agassi, as they played with a double handed backhand like me.
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
I think the most important thing is just to get out there, give it a go and keep trying. Those who reach the Olympics or the elite level in their sport have put so much work and sacrifice into perfecting their skills. It doesn't happen overnight. But most importantly have fun while you do it and enjoy the time with those around you, whether in your team playing, at training, or just for fun in general.
Mr Ponte
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
Fave sport is easily Basketball, which I've played since I was 10. I play for two teams at the moment. I also played footy until I was 21, and while I really enjoyed playing I quit because I didn't like the footy club culture.
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
I think my greatest achievement is having improved my basketball skills to the point that I have. Obviously, I could point to awards and championships to highlight certain moments but I'm really most proud of just having improved to a point where I can play with (almost) anyone and not embarrass myself!
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
My favourite sporting moment was Tim Tebow throwing an 80-yard touchdown pass to Demaryus Thomas in overtime of a 2012 playoff game. I was in Canada in the time, and while over there I had been following Tebow's story and all of the adversity he had to overcome to be a starting quarterback in the NFL due to a bit of a talent deficit, to which I could relate (haha). It was such a great moment because of how unexpected it was.
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Two athletes that inspire me are Chris Paul and Naomi Osaka. CP and Osaka are obviously phenomenal performers in their respective fields, but I really admire that both are vocal about the issues that really matter to them. They speak out on their concerns in a truly earnest and authentic way that isn't self-serving or disingenuous as it can be for some other athletes. They work towards the betterment of society, and use their platform to help those without the same privileges.
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
I feel weird giving advice to athletes as I'm far from a pro myself, but for me, I just find that really focusing on improvement in the sports you love as opposed to the accolades or awards is a more fulfilling way to go about your athletic journey. You will always come up against people that are bigger, stronger and faster than you (certainly the case for me) but you can always be satisfied with self-improvement if that is the goal you choose to pursue.
Ms Ioannidis
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
Growing up I played competition tennis for the Yan Yean Tennis Club and met my husband and many of my closest friends while doing so!!
More recently I played basketball with friends but have since given that up after discovering the gym.
My preferred activities are at my gym and dancing.
At gym, I love weight training and participating in classes (Metafit, Pilates, Hit Training are a few of my favourites).
I love my weekly Dancing (hip hop and Zumba) which I have been doing for the past 5 years.
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
Winning a couple of grand finals in both tennis and basketball but most of all participating and feeling part of a team and meeting so many friends along the way.
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
1990 and 2010 AFL Grandfinals!!! To see my footy team win 2 premierships in my lifetime is amazing!
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Yes so many! Probably the one sticking in my mind currently would be Dylan Alcott!
How amazing is he? What a busy and giving man! Paralympian and champion tennis player winning the Aus Open 7 years in a row, and also French Open Champion and Wimledon champion too! He is also a motivational speaker and radio host in his spare time and he has established the "Dylan Alcott Foundation with the core purpose of helping young Australians with disabilities gain self-esteem and respect through sport and study"
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
A Walt Disney quote that I love... "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them".
And just move and do what you enjoy!
Mr Purcell and Mr Gazzola