
Foundation/Year 1/2 - Music

Students in the F/1/2 class have been exploring sounds and music. Students discovered beat and rhythm using body percussion and simple percussion instruments. Students tell stories with sound such as the Cranky Caterpillar, and Going on a bear Hunt. 

The F/1/2 students are becoming more aware of sound and understanding harmony and melody in popular songs and their own compositions.  The students have been composing their own rhythms to make songs to play together as a class.

Cassie Stringer

Performing Arts Teacher

Storytime with VCAL students

The Foundation - Year 2's loved having the VCAL students come and read with them. They had piles of books ready to go and enjoyed listening to all the different stories. Thank you VCAL students for taking some time out of your day to read with us.


Kathryn Close

Foundation - Year 2 Teacher (Fridays)

Foundation - Year 2 Fun with Games

Students have been relaxing with old fashion games such as noughts and crosses, dominoes and paddocks. A great way for students to work together!


Alison Hausler

Year 2 Teacher

Year 3/4 Science

This term, our science focus is sustainable packaging products. The 3/4 students have been learning about different types of packaging and what they are made of. For the remainder of the term, the students will be creating their own packaging to protect a fragile item in the mail. In the photos, students are researching some different types of packaging and adding labelled diagrams to their design portfolios. 


Alannah Pearson

Year 3/4 Teacher