Team Leader's Message

Term 3
It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of Term 3! Although it has been yet another disrupted term, our wonderful students continue to strive to ‘Be the best they can be’ each and every day. We have witnessed their growth across many different areas – academically, socially and emotionally. Although we understand that learning through a remote platform is not ideal, we have watched our students demonstrate persistence through differing learning challenges, apply new and creative digital skills, and also show emotional resilience even when separated from their classmates and friends. Secondary 7/8 students are to be commended on their commitment, flexibility and positivity throughout the term.
Students have been eagerly learning about our environment as part of their Discovery Unit. They have explored the positive and negative impact that humans can have on animals and have discovered that small decisions can have a large impact on our local and global environment. Students will continue to explore the need to care for the environment and live responsibly, while taking action on a local issue to make a difference.
There have been many highlights throughout the term including the weekly Spectacular dance sessions with Laura, Section Assemblies, online webinars with some of our Paralympians as well as online excursions to the Melbourne Zoo and Aquarium.
We look forward to what next term holds and can’t wait to be back in classrooms again to finish the year together as a section.
Karlie Gooding Jessica Fitzsimons
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement