Zoom in and stay connected

Zoom Meeting
Last week we sent out a link for a Zoom meeting with all children. We sent the information to parents and included the departmental log-in details for the children.
We had a small but enthusiastic meeting with Kirra, Astella, Miss Fish, Mrs Mac and Mrs Emerton. Kyesha and Mahni tried very hard to connect but just couldn't make it, sadly...
Astella showed us her chicken and the gap where her tooth used to be! Kirra read everyone a story. Miss Fish had an awful scar on her forehead! Fortunately it was all about Book Week and she showed us her Harry Potter jumper to prove it!
We will be running another Zoom meeting this week on Wednesday at 11am. The details and invitation are below. Please join us if you can. We would love to connect the children and see everyone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 638 3904 1475
Passcode: 166792
If these links don't work live, copy and paste them into your browser.
Homework Hound
Congratulations to Astella and Kirra for earning rewards on Homework Hound. This site is available for free for everyone to use. We sent the login details in previous packs, but if you misplaced yours, please let us know and we will provide the details. It is a great resource and adjusts learning to suit the learner.
Eli and Hattie Become Cobblers!
Last week one of the tasks in the home pack was to create some shoes. Hattie and Eli sent in their plans and ideas and also included the sample shoes! They were fantastic and so comfortable...
The shoes are now hanging up in the senior classroom and will be handy if anyone loses a shoe at school! (We already know how good some of you are at losing socks...)