

Book Week 2021


Over the past couple of weeks, we have been celebrating CBCA Book Week. Book Week is a chance for all of us to spend one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children’s authors and illustrators. Although we couldn’t be together to take part in person this year, classes and families have found many creative ways to get involved in this special event!


Many classes had an online dress up day on Microsoft Teams and did a range of fun activities during remote learning. We also participated in an amazing online livestream performance by Perform Education, titled ‘Bigger, Better, Brighter!’ During this interactive performance, students could answer live questions, practise new dance moves and listen to some of the CBCA shortlisted stories for 2021. 


Well done to all our wonderful students and families who participated in Book Week activities over the past few weeks! We hope you all had lots of fun. 



Meghann Wurm
Meghann Wurm


Meghann Wurm

Learning Specialist (English)