Assistant Principals' Reports
I write this message to you, after tuning in to yet another press conference, this one confirming that remote learning would continue for our staff and students until the end of term three. This was not the greatest of news for our teachers and students who would love to return to onsite learning as soon as is safe to do so.
While we are working and learning remotely, it may be a good time to remind ourselves that some things still continue in the background out of sight and we do have wonderful achievements to celebrate, even during these uncertain times.
Firstly, this week the College received the Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN results. NAPLAN, is a series of short online tests of student achievement and learning growth, in literacy and numeracy. As a College, we are able to use our student NAPLAN data to inform our Teaching and Learning program, to celebrate successes, and to reflect on areas that may require adjustments at a cohort and also an individual student level.
For the first time, in 2021 the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority have also produced the Year 9 Certificates of Achievement. I can proudly inform the school community that we have been provided with a big pile of Year 9 Certificates of Achievement to distribute to our Year 9 students in the following areas:
- Outstanding learning growth in Numeracy
- Outstanding learning growth in Literacy
- Achievement of excellence in reading
- Achievement of excellence in numeracy
Some Year 9 students will be receiving a Certificate of Achievement in one of the above areas, some will be receiving a Certificate of Achievement in multiple areas.
A big congratulations to all!
Due to remote learning, and the inability to have visitors onsite, the College will mail out the 2021 student NAPLAN reports, along with any Year 9 Achievement Certificates in the coming days.
The Tutor Learning Initiative, finish date extended with reduced tutor teachers.
The Tutor Learning Initiative, has been an important part of the ESC teaching and learning community this year, and was scheduled to operate from Term 1-3. Through this DET initiative, the College was able to employ tutor teachers to support a select group of students identified as needing support due to reduced learning growth observed during 2020 as a direct impact from COVID-19 and extended remote learning periods.
With limited funding available, the Tutor Learning Initiative was scheduled to finish at the end of this week. We thank our tutor teachers for their support of our students involved in this program. Through this direct, small group and in class support, we have seen some amazing achievement of improved learning growth, from the majority of students involved in the program.
We especially would like to thank Sheena Emery for her work in the tutor program as she finishes up with the program this week. We thank Sheena for her work supporting students under her care, in her time as a tutor teacher, and for helping to make the ‘Tutor Hub’ a welcoming place for students to meet with their tutor teachers to work in small groups. We wish Sheena well in her next ventures, and hope to see her around ESC in the future.
Due to the continued remote learning periods in 2021, we are pleased to let our Emerald Secondary College Community know that we will be continuing the Tutor Learning Initiative until the end of the year, however with a reduced compliment of tutor teachers. This will allow the continued support for some of our students involved in the program, who are still requiring support to catch up from the effects of 2020.
Janine McMahon - Assistant Principal
Lockdown is tough
It has been another year of disruption to face to face teaching. We know that there are additional challenges associated with this and learning is one of them. It has been great to see so many students thriving in this tough time. Hopefully at the end of all of this we have worked together to develop learners who have a better understanding of the world and how to manage adversity. Their resilience and perseverance can become the shining light we hang our hats on as a school community. Hopefully as parents, carers and staff we are in the position to see this dream become a reality. Thank you all for your support.
Parent Teacher Conferences
The Parent Teacher Conferences portal will open today. This is a great opportunity for parents/carers to discuss their child/ren’s progress. More information will be sent out via compass.
Senior School
Year 12 students will soon be finalising their course work both in VCE and VCAL. The holidays bring a great chance to refresh and to continue the revision of class material. It may not be the year that you were expecting, however you still have time to forge your own path. Continue to do your best and strive for excellence.
It is always pleasing when we receive positive communication from students and parents. The support on offer from our wellbeing team has been fantastic and I know many students have valued the time they have put in. For any student who needs support, please reach out as we are more than happy to continue our approach.
Buildings and Grounds
While students are not at school, we have continued to work on improving the teaching and learning spaces. Hopefully when students return, they notice the difference in some key areas.
- B3 has been refurbished and will have new furniture put in it soon
- New whiteboards and display boards have been ordered and will be installed in G Block over the holidays
- Flooring in the entry to the gym has been replaced
- Structural audit has been completed
- The garden continues to brighten each day
Jonathon Rogers - Assistant Principal