Faith & Family

Family Educator News                

Wishing Galilee Father's and Carers a Happy and Blessed Father's Day.

Did you know that laughter lifts your immune system for four hours?

 Click on the link below and have a giggle together.

Invitation to Livestream Mass with Fr Robbie

Please join our Bondi community each Sunday at 10 am for mass at St Patrick's, live-streamed through the new Bondi Parish Facebook page. Remember to like and follow the page to stay updated with Parish news.

Parent SPaR video

If you'd like to set aside a few minutes for a guided reflection, please click on the link below and reflect on the SPaR called 'The Flat Above the Shop' and explore the question 'who do you think you are and which story are you telling?


Children's Meditation Video

Click the link for a short guided Meditation - a great one to use before bedtime



The Feast Day of St Teresa of Calcutta

 The Church celebrates on September 5 the feast of Mother Teresa, a universal symbol of God's merciful and preferential love for the poor and forgotten who founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950.  She is the Patron Saint of World Youth Day, Calcutta, and of doubters.  Below is a link to a 2016 Movie of her life starring Juliet Stevenson, called 

The Letters, that I highly recommend - a fantastic movie.  Enjoy!