Principal's Message

Rise to the Challenge

Father's Day

William Shakespeare said, “It is a wise father that knows his child.” 


This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day and the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. This day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting. Fathers’ Day is a day of honouring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society. 


Unfortunately, we will be celebrating Father's Day in lockdown. No matter what you do to celebrate your father this year, let us all reflect on the importance of fathers in our lives. If your father is still alive, you will hopefully let them know you love them no matter what. If your father is no longer alive, you will want to remember them with your fondest of memories.


However you celebrate Father's Day this year, the love you have for your father will be there. And for those who do not have a father in their lives, perhaps your mother or a significant person in your life is who you will honour this Father’s Day.


Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers in our Galilee school community this Sunday.


We have made it to Week 8! I would like to take this opportunity to thank our caring, flexible and skilful teaching staff for delivering outstanding learning experiences to our students, through live zoom sessions and online learning experiences in Google Classroom and Seesaw, in addition to providing ongoing guidance and support to parents as they navigate Remote Learning. 


The students have continued to work hard following scheduled lessons and connecting on zoom with their teachers and friends. We are so proud of all that they are achieving.  


With the end of lockdown in sight it is even more important that we reduce mobility and do not attend school unless absolutely necessary. While I certainly appreciate the fatigue of prolonged remote learning as case numbers in Greater Sydney are at an all time high we must remain vigilant and adhere to the stay at home orders to protect our entire community. 


In the meantime remote learning continues and our teachers are working exceptionally hard to ensure the ongoing learning from home continues to be engaging and educational. 


For all the parents and carers supervising and supporting the Learning from Home, you are doing an amazing job! We appreciate your time, energy and positive attitude.


We understand that Learning Remotely is challenging for many of us. Each household, each family, has unique circumstances. Please alert the teacher to your unique circumstances, which may change from time to time, so we can offer any support that we can. 


Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint and in order for all of us to reach the end, 

we need to pace ourselves and prioritise our wellbeing. 


We hope that you can take some time this week, in wellbeing week, to do something fun together. Whether it be reading a book, baking, bike riding, playing a board game or connecting with extended family online, take this opportunity to reconnect and have some family fun!

Father's Day Whole School Assembly

We look forward to seeing all of the children and fathers, grandfathers, father figures at our whole school assembly in Week 8 on Friday 3 September at 10:15. A Zoom link for the assembly will be shared via learning plans and Compass. 

Celebration of Galilee Name Day

Staff, students and parents will gather to celebrate our mission on Galilee Name Day on Friday 8 October via Zoom. Our name day is inspired by the Galilee Gospel stories and calls us to rise to the challenge. Just like the first disciples, we aim to be people filled with faith, hope, courage and generosity as we respond to God’s call.


We encourage all our students to participate in Galilee's Got Talent. 

Creative Kids Voucher 

A great way that families can use their Creative Kids Vouchers from Service NSW before they expire at the end of the year and also keep the kids entertained during lockdown. 

Premier's Reading Challenge

The 2021 Premier's Reading Challenge finishes this Friday 3rd September. Congratulations to those students who have finished the challenge! Please ensure you upload your completed student reading log to the Premier's Reading Challenge website by this Friday 3rd September for validation.



Anna Novak
