
Welcome to the Week 6 edition of the College Newsletter, this week we welcomed the Head of Junior School to The Riverina Anglican College - Mrs Kylie Chacon.

Head of Junior School Appointed - Mrs Kylie Chacon

We are very excited to welcome Mrs Kylie Chacon the inaugural Head of Junior School to The Riverina Anglican College.


Mrs Chacon has 26 years' experience as a teacher and leader in primary and K-12 schools across different systems and recently held the position of Assistant Principal at EA Southee Public School in Cootamundra and is a highly accomplished teacher.


We welcome Mrs Chacon to our community, one of her first responsibilities will be to begin the comprehensive process of 'Meet and Greet Interviews' with prospective junior school families.

Have you downloaded the Compass Parent Portal ?


All families should have received an email inviting you to download the compass School Manager for Parents. This communication platform is a secure site where you can access an array of information about your child/children.  Further details can be found in the Deputy Principal Report - Head of Campus page.

Published Report in the International Scientific Journal - Open Science

Picture courtesy of Les Smith - The Daily Advertiser

Congratulations to Year 11 student Hugo Currie on his recent co-authored published report in an international scientific journal, Open Science which was inspired by his International Baccalaureate Mathematics investigation task. Hugo investigated if the golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence can be applied to the mass of nuclides (isotopes). He discovered there is a correlation, and that further extrapolation can be used to predict the mass of atoms yet to be discovered. This correlation has not been previously reported. The report passed the peer review process among academics around the world.


Click below for a copy of his report titled: An Investigation of the Application of the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence Associated with the Chart of Nuclide.


You can read more about Hugo's achievements in the Daily Advertiser, via the link below:

(Article courtesy of The Daily Advertiser)

Outdoor Education

The students in Years Nine and Ten OED have relished the opportunity to be back in the

classroom and tackle practical tasks in preparation for their Bronze and Silver Expeditions.


Year Nine has been learning the art of camp catering. They watched a demonstration on

how to prepare, cook and transport a healthy Stir Fry, a dish they will need to replicate on

their first trip. The students enjoyed a delicious and healthy lunch and were inspired to work

together to plan their own creations.


Year Ten have been busy building their own first aid props and revisiting the role of a first

responder. Throughout the remainder of the term, students will be required to respond to a

number of first aid scenarios around the school and assess, treat, and monitor the injured


Kelly Bowen | Outdoor Ed Coordinator


Wordmasters Club!

Students, 7-12, are invited to join the Wordmasters in Room 4 each Tuesday lunch. We will play lots of word games to develop your vocabulary and written expression and build confidence in public speaking and debating. We will also enter some great creative writing competitions. Sharpen your pen and your tongue and become a Wordmaster. See Mrs Hawke for further information.

Corrina Hawke | Head of English

Academic Writing Workshop

Students in Years 11 and 12 are invited to Room 4 each Thursday Lunch for tuition in academic writing. We will develop your ability to compose effective thesis statements, analytic paragraphs, sharpen your academic voice and help you to create stronger and more cohesive academic responses. It is a great way to prepare for success in IB or the HSC. 

See Mrs Hawke for further information. 

Corrina Hawke | Head of English

Lunchtime Mathematics Tutorials

Mathematics Students from Year 7 to 12 - if you would like some extra assistance with your learning that you did at home, help with completing some questions or understanding tricky concepts, please come to Room 28 during lunchtime. The Mathematics faculty are running tutorials every lunchtime, so come along if you want some help. 


Senior students, if you have specific questions, feel free to email the question to Mrs Barkla prior and we will attempt to complete them before the tutorial.

Andrea Barkla | Head of Mathematics

TRACTIVE Challenge


Last week, a change in lead took place with Stanley House overtaking Browning House. Congratulations Stanley!


Participants were also set an extra challenge, to try and create a cool image using GPS tracking. Check out some of the creative results!

Students can find out more about the Strava Challenge in homeroom.

Outdoor Ed Kitchen

The OED kitchen is open.


The process for ordering lunch will be a little different to cater to COVID-19 requirements.


Orders will be taken between 8:30am and 9:00am as per the instructions below.


Students must pre-order their lunch by completing the order form in Room 6 and dropping it in the box provided. Payment must be made at time of order and can be paid via exact money with the order form or via card with the cashier in the kitchen. No orders will be accepted after the first Homeroom bell at 9:00.  


Students will collect their pre orders from outside the OED Kitchen at lunch time. 

Kelly Bowen | Outdoor Ed Coordinator


If a student or anyone in their family presents as unwell, the student is to stay at home.


Sickbay is closed and will be limited to those students with a diagnosed chronic condition only. 


Any student who presents as unwell will be sent home immediately.

Year 10 Immunisation Reminder

A reminder for students in Year 10, immunisations will take place on June 11. All vaccination forms should now be returned to the College Office.

Drop off and Pick up Zone

Thank you to all Parents and Carers for their understanding and patience when using the drop off/pick up zone during busy periods.


Drivers are requested to follow the protocols by staying in the single allocated lane for this designated area. Drivers are requested to remain in their vehicle when dropping off and picking up passengers. Swapping of drivers (eg Learner/P Plates), is only to be carried out within a parking bay to ensure safety of all users and ensure constant traffic flow.


Drivers are also reminded that Farrer Road is strictly a NO parking/stopping area.  Students are only to disembark within the school grounds (carpark/pickup zone).

Alex Sarantakos | Head of Operations

Driving to School - Year 11 and 12

Students in Years 11 and 12 who wish to drive to school, need to ensure the following steps are taken and agreed to before students are permitted to drive to and from the College.


• Complete a 'Driving to School Permission Form' (see attached), and return the signed form to the College Office for processing.

• Taking Passengers - Any student travelling in the car of another student will be required to complete the 'Passenger Permission Form' (see attached), and return the signed form to the College Office for processing.


The College recommends that siblings be permitted and, at most, one other authorised person.


Vehicles must not leave the College during the day without the student/s signing out from the College Office. 


Driving to School Forms:

Driving to School Policy

Driving to School Permission Form

Passenger Permission Form

College Office

Absence Process

Student absences should be reported to the College via email  or notification via the Compass School Manager App on the day of the absence, preferably by 9:00am. 

College Photographic & Video Competition 2020

This year's theme is   WATER!  


As well as submitting ONE photograph per student, you can also submit a 30 second video clip (up to a maximum of 3 students making each clip - no more).


*Think about aspects such as light, focus, composition, interesting subject matter & the setting.  


You may start submitting NOW! 


DUE DATE FOR SUBMISSION IS STRICTLY:- Term 2 Week 8  15th June 2020.


Submit using this link:-


Photographic Section:-

First Prize - $70

Second Prize - $50

Third Prize - $30

Encouragement Award - $20

Staff Section -  a box of chocolates

Video Section:-

First Prize  - $70

Second Prize - $50

Third Prize -  $30

Encouragement Award - $20

Staff Section - a box of chocolates

Lindie Mannion | Head of Visual Arts

Ilford Photographic Competition

The Ilford Photographic Competition  has been cancelled. Students will be notified if this competition is to recommence for Round 2.

Lindie Mannion | Head of Visual Arts


Uniform Shop

Normal term trading hours have resumed.

Tuesday  8am-4pm

Wednesday  12pm-4pm

Thursday  8am-12pm

For Uniform Shop enquiries please contact Mattina Soley on 69331811 ext 125.

Do you need to update your contact details?

Have you moved address or had a change in your family circumstances and need to update your contact details?


If you have changed your contact details recently. We urge you to contact the College office to update your phone numbers and email, so if we need to contact you urgently we can do so.


Please email

with your current details.

Medical Action Plans

If your child has a Medical Action Plan please ensure that the College Office has an up-to date copy for the student's file and Sickbay. 


If you need more information, please contact Jessica Keatley on 69 331811 or

Long-term Absences

If the student will be absent for more than 2 weeks (10 school days), an application to the Principal is required is required via the Application for Extended Leave - Vacation/Travel Form prior to departure.  Once this document is completed by the Parent/Guardian, please return to the College Office for processing.  You will then receive a Certificate of Extended Leave - Vacation/Travel.


Students who will be absent for shorter periods of time (less than 2 weeks) are also required to supply written notification to the College.


All student absences should be reported to the College via email

Important Dates

Term 2

Wednesday 17  June - Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews - 3.30pm-7.00pm

Thursday 11 June - Year 10 Immunisations

Monday 15 June to Friday 19 June - HSC Study Days online for Advanced English and Standard English Students

Tuesday 23 June - Year 11 2021 Pathways - Subject Selection Evening

Friday 26 June - Cross Country, TRAC Idol, Term 2 Concludes

Monday 29 June - Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences


Term 3

Monday 20 July Term 3 Commences

Monday 24 to Friday 28 August - Year 10 Work Experience, and Year 10 Commerce attending the School Entrepreneur Program

Term Dates


Term 1 commences - 29 January 2020 (all students)

Term 1 concludes - 9 April 2020


Term 2 commences - 27 April 2020

Term 2 concludes - 26 June 2020


Term 3 commences - 20 July 2020

Term 3 concludes - 25 September 2020


Term 4 commences - 12 October 2020

Term 4 concludes - 9 December 2020