CIS update 

On Tuesday 2nd June, Lyndal Jesse, CEO CIS Sport NSW released the following information regarding COVID 19 and scheduled sporting events for Term 2 and 3: 

There are positive signs for sport in general with the announcement today (2nd June) of the return to community sport for Under 18's on 1st July and we are hoping we may see some progress with school sport in the next few days. Subsequently, no update as yet.


Be patient and keep checking the website, as we are hoping things will become clearer in the next week. Please be aware that as a representative pathway, the return of CIS events will be slower, as we wait for inter-school and association sport to recommence and flow through to this level.


Please note we are currently not taking nominations for Term 3 sports.


We will notify schools and associations of any changes and list these on our website.

Lyndal Jesse, CEO CIS Sport NSW


CWWHSSA update

The Representative Sports Coordinators and Principal’s from each school in Wagga Wagga met on Tuesday 2nd of June to discuss the return of the CWWHSSA competitions. The following decisions were made based on NSW health recommendations, each specific sporting body in Wagga Wagga and each Wagga Wagga High School in the CWWHSSA competition:


It is still too early to be making a commitment to organise any CWWHSSA sporting competitions. Until the Government restrictions change and local sport resumes, we can't see how we can move forward with our planning and agree on dates for upcoming competitions. This includes the possibility of rescheduling competitions that were cancelled in Term 2 (Tracey Gunsen Netball, Hardy Shield Rugby League, Preston Butcher Touch Football and Carroll Cup AFL). 


The CWWHSSA will reconvene on Thursday 18th June to see what restrictions are in place then and make a decision regarding sport in Term 3.

College Sporting Colours - Bronze, Silver, Gold & Blue

Please ensure that you have checked the criteria to see if you are eligible for any one of these awards in 2020. Sports that were cancelled due to COVID-19 will still be recognised if the nomination is deemed appropriate; eg: a student was a member of a particular sporting team for 2017, 2018, 2019 and would have ‘most likely’ represented again in 2020, your nomination for a Bronze Colour may be granted. 


To find the eligibility criteria and nomination forms, please go to: College Website/ Co-Curricular/ College Colours. If you believe you are eligible to nominate, complete the application form and hand it into Mrs Kjaers office for signing and distribution to the College Colours Committee.  

College Cross Country

The College Cross Country will take place on Friday 26th June starting at 1:30pm. The event will be kept in strict accordance with COVID-19 safety protocols. Students in Years 7-10 have been walking the Cross Country track during Friday Sport to familiarise themselves with the course.  Whilst there is no confirmed date in place for BISSA or CIS Cross Country, the College insists that this annual event should still take place for individual pursuits and House competition. Results on the day contribute to the Peter Green Cup which is the most prestigious House based award the College offers. It is awarded to the House with the greatest amount of points derived from Sport, Service and Academia. If your child is unable to participate due to illness or injury, they are still required to attend the event, where they will be assigned a service based activity. Please supply a note explaining your child’s inability to physically participate to me no later than Thursday June 25.









Kym Kjaer | Head of Representative Sport