Lyn Strachan 

Welcome to our first newsletter since we were hit with COVID 19 restrictions. I am hoping you were still feeling connected to the school via our increased presence on social media, great direct contact by the staff and our virtual assemblies. In amongst the craziness Lindy and I had fun with our costumes. We have exhausted our costume supply and now we are all back on the school site our assemblies look a little more traditional and greater school captain participation. 


What wonderful greetings there were when the students returned. The staff clearly showed they missed their students and were excited to have them back. The children have settled in well, adjusting well to the old routines and the new ways. 


I thank you all for following the restrictions placed on the adults entering the school buildings. I have noticed a few of our signs have been removed (stolen) but we will publicly celebrate any changes to those restrictions. You will know when you can come back in, as we will be shouting it from the hilltops.  Until then, if you absolutely need to come and speak to the front office, the only entrance is via the Eyre St main door. 

School Hours 

Doors open at 8:30 am and students go directly to their classrooms.

Keep up the great work of getting to school on time. Parents, remember this is your responsibility! 

Staggered students dismissal between 3pm and 3:15pm remains in place.  All must be picked up promptly. I am extremely appreciative of the social distancing of our families outside of the gates. Thank you.  As we know we are all in this together.


You will find a survey link below, as we are changing our student report format with our new student management system (SENTRAL). We want to know what aspects of the report you find most valuable. Prep families, don't worry about completing this survey, as it is based on 2019 reports.  The survey will be open until midday on Tuesday.


Please be reminded that uniform is compulsory at school.  If you need support to get your child back into uniform, please contact the office and we will assist you. On the odd occasion your child is out of uniform, please provide a note. 


It is exciting that Camps and Excursions are potentially back, BUT..... we really don't have much detail yet regarding the enhanced cleaning, sanitizing, social distancing of adults and availability of venues. These reforms will most likely impact on costs.  

As this information is unknown, there is NO CERTAINTY that camps will be viable for our students this year. The decision will be made taking into account parent choices, administrative and financial grounds.  Thank you to the year 5 and year 6 families for completing the very brief survey.  The results have not been collated as yet.