Our College Community

What is happening around our school community
As a means to stay connected with one another and to the school community, we have decided to make a Weekly Video to give everyone updates as to what has been happening whilst we are schooling remotely. These videos are a light-hearted way to stay connected, and to see what staff and other students have been doing. The videos will contain regular updates as to how people are staying occupied in lockdown, words of wisdom from various staff and students and weekly challenges. These challenges will include PE activities, trivia and challenges from various other departments. Students are encouraged to send material to Joel (jharriss@sjcbe.catholic.edu.au) to feature in these videos. Students who participate in the challenges must also send evidence of them completing the challenge. Those who perform well in each challenge will go into the draw to win a prize at the end of the Term.
Joel Harriss
Youth Minister
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6