
Remote Learning

This month Library English classes have started a “Poetry” activity inspired by a poem I wrote in January about “Sleep” before the COVID-19 crisis impacted our daily lives.


It has been wonderful to see students respond in such a positive way writing about a peaceful or favourite time. One of the poems is published here for you to enjoy. The plan is to compile these poems into a book for students to enjoy.

Beautiful Nature         

Nature is everywhere,

Everywhere you go you see the wonders of nature,

Trees, animals, and plants,

You see how nature grows and evolves,

Step by step of the way,

It glows in the dark and looks incredible,

Natures colours are everywhere and shines

the way,

It brings you hope and inner peace to the world.


 Matthew Shanahan 7.3​​​​​​​

New Books

Some student book requests from last term have been delivered to school catalogued and ready for students to borrow – they have been notified via emails so they can collect their new books from school reception. New books have been put on display in the library for students to enjoy when working at school. Keep the new book suggestions rolling into my email. 


Library online!dashboard

You can SEARCH for a book

You can write & submit a BOOK REVIEW

You can find ONLINE RESOURCES links for your curriculum

You can RESERVE a book in the catalogue or the carousel

You can ask Mrs Viner for READING & RESEARCH SUPPORT

You can send a BOOK SUGGESTION

You can search your own online LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP


Mrs Jane Viner, Library Leader/Teacher Librarian

is working remotely & online daily 9.30 – 3pm Wed., Thurs., Friday


Jane Viner

Library Leader