As we head into Week 6 of online learning, Year 7 students have begun to collect the Art Packages from the college. It took a few days to put the packages together including sourcing the packaging and I was grateful that I am often inclined to secret away supplies of brushes. A special thanks to Mr Barry Wood for taking the time to cut up numerous lengths of plywood.
These packages were put together to facilitate Year 7 students access to the curriculum whereby they are required to create an abstract painting responding to their own sense of place. The Year 7’s have been investigating the work of the Indigenous Australian artist Sally Gabori whose large scale abstract works tell the stories of her Country.
Gabori began painting at the age of 80 and was often known to sing whilst painting. She sang the stories of the places she was painting and would sing once more when she saw her works exhibited in galleries. Her work, to a degree, can be quite challenging as we often look for the literal interpretations in artworks rather than the implied meaning.
On another note, for those interested, there are several invaluable resources for art and craft making from home. Here are just a few suggestions, but there are many many more.
Have fun and get creative!
Kate Brierty
Arts Domain Leader