Principal’s Message
Founder’s Day
Last week, Lasallian Colleges in Melbourne and across our District, celebrated the Founder’s Feast Day to acknowledge St John Baptiste De La Salle and the wonderful contribution of the De La Salle Brothers to young people.
The Feast Day of 15 May is an important date in our calendar because it is the anniversary of the proclamation by Pope Pius XII, in 1950, of St John Baptist De La Salle as the Patron Saint of Teachers and those who work in Education. It is an occasion to give thanks to God for our Charism that we share with other Lasallian schools around the world.
John Baptist De La Salle was born in France, in 1651. He was responsible for the founding, in 1682, of the group of teachers he named as the Brothers of the Christian Schools, known in Australia as the De La Salle Brothers.
Br David Hawke, Visitor for the Brothers (ANZPNGP), wrote to all schools in our region last week: De La Salle and his Brothers succeeded in creating a network of quality schools throughout France that featured instruction in the vernacular, students grouped according to ability and achievement, integration of religious instruction with secular subjects, well-prepared teachers with a sense of vocation and mission, and the involvement of parents.
John Baptiste’s own words were that we should be “brothers and sisters to each other and older brothers and sisters to those whom we serve”. This is a core ideal of our Lasallian tradition and over a period of more than 300 years, this strong Tradition of education and caring for young people has been further developed.
The De La Salle Brothers together with the staff who work in Lasallian schools, are engaged in a mission, as part of the Church, to make Christ’s presence a reality in the world of education. We: students, parents and staff are part of this mission which is alive at St James College through all of us - Thus we say we are a Catholic School in the Lasallian Tradition.
Our students and staff joined together last Friday morning for Homeroom based liturgies for the Founder’s Feast Day. I thank the students who participated so well in these online gatherings and the student readers for leading the prayers and scriptures for each group.
Returning to School
In a couple of weeks our students and staff will gather for at-school learning as we resume on 9 June for regular classes. We look forward to the return of the students albeit under the conditions necessary for safe return to the school environment. The details for students and staff have been sent home in communications this week and we ask that on their return, students are familiar with the requirements we have in place for the safety of all. I thank the students and the staff as they have adapted to much change in the space of only a couple of months and will do so again on their return to school.
Reflection and Prayer
In these weeks following Easter and the last Sunday in May being Pentecost Sunday, we are reminded to use this time, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to continue to renew our relationships with others and with God. May we be Easter people and have the courage to spread the Good News of Jesus, and as St James reminds us, to take action to live our faith through good works for others, especially for those in need during these uncertain times.
This coming Sunday, 24 May, is the Feast day of Mary, Help of Christians – one of the Patron Saints of Australia. This date is also the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si – Pope Francis’ encyclical for the care of the earth – our common home.
The following prayer acknowledges these occasions:
Loving God, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them, You created us in your image and made us stewards of all your creation, of our common home. You blessed us with the sun, water and bountiful land so that all might be nourished.
Open our minds and touch our hearts, so that we may attend to your gift of creation. Help us to be conscious that our common home belongs not only to us, but to all future generations, and that it is our responsibility to preserve it. May we help each person secure the food and resources that they need.
Be present to those in need in these trying times, especially the poorest and those most at risk of being left behind. Transform our fear, anxiety and feelings of isolation into hope so that we may experience a true conversion of the heart.
Help us to show creative solidarity in addressing the consequences of this global pandemic, Make us courageous to embrace the changes that are needed in search of the common good, Now more than ever may we feel that we are all interconnected, in our efforts to lift up the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
Under the loving gaze of Mary Help of Christians, we make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen
Stephen Pooley