P to the E with Leigh

Physical Education  

The focus for this term has been on online learning. The children have been learning to use Google Classroom. Part of the learning involves interacting with the interface of the computer and the information provided online. Physical Education this term has been to work through three main areas of focus for the 3-6s. 


1. Fitness and training

2. Dance

3. Sports skills.


The fitness focus has allowed the children to work through training routines that will allow them to build some fitness and learn the skill of taking your own heartbeat. The sports skills training has been to focus on building skills in a particular sport that the children can train and do at home. The dance is about learning style and choice as some children will engage with dance as a preferred activity. The work that has been completed so far has demonstrated that with support the children can engage and learn online. 


Foundation to Year 2 students have been looking at ball handling skills and developing their hand eye coordination. The children will be developing their skills of catching targeting through activities that focus on building their skill base. The children will also be engaging with online learning tasks taking pictures and reporting on their completed work. The end of the term will also focus on mindfulness and supporting the children in using strategies that help them to cope with the reduced social interaction and direct teacher support.