A message from Leon

Kii everyone,


I would like express my gratitude and to say well done to all our community for your patience, perseverance and hard work in this second round of remote learning. 

I have received lots of positive feedback from families, staff and students about how supported everyone feels and how families are connected with us in a variety of ways. 


We all know that things are tough at the moment and in the short term, there will still be challenges and pain.  One value that has come to light at Thornbury Primary School is community and how we can work together and support each other to get through this time.  I am proud and thankful to be with such a community.


Let me share with you some recent highlights so far this term:


After two years of working with the state government and the Department of Education and Training (DET), works have commenced on fixing our roof leaks in the main building.  Works have also begun on repairing and painting many window and door frames in the school. We are taking the opportunity during remote learning to get as much work done as possible.  These works should be completed by mid-August. 


I would like express my gratitude and to say well done to all our community for your patience, perseverance and hard work in this second round of remote learning. 

I have received lots of positive feedback from families, staff and students about how supported everyone feels and how families are connected with us in a variety of ways. 


We all know that things are tough at the moment and in the short term, there will still be challenges and pain.  One value that has come to light at Thornbury Primary School is community and how we can work together and support each other to get through this time.  I am proud and thankful to be with such a community.


Let me share with you some recent highlights so far this term:


After two years of working with the state government and the Department of Education and Training (DET), works have commenced on fixing our roof leaks in the main building.  Works have also begun on repairing and painting many window and door frames in the school. We are taking the opportunity during remote learning to get as much work done as possible.  These works should be completed by mid-August.   I have attached some photos of the works below.


At the end of last term, a sample of students were selected to give feedback about remote learning to the Commission for Children and Young People.  It was a great honour for a small number of Year 3/ 4 students to meet the Commissioner for Children Liana Buchanan and the Commissioner for Aboriginal Children Justin Mohamed.  This feedback will be tabled as part of a report for the Victorian Government.


This term we welcome two new Educational Support (ES)(Teacher aide) staff to TPS.  Geoff Lambourn is an experienced ES from Croxton School at Thornbury High School and Pam Williams is also an experienced ES from Strathmore Primary School.  These staff have joined us to support some new students who have received some extra funding for additional needs.  Pam and Geoff had the hard induction of starting at our school and going straight into remote learning but have done very well.


In happy and sad news, Lucy Webb (Steiner Prep) will shortly be commencing Family Leave.  Lucy has been at TPS for many years now and it will be sad to see her leave. Unfortunately her departure is in the middle of remote learning so many of us won’t be able to personally say goodbye to her but we do wish Lucy all the best for the birth of her first child. 


Due to remote learning situation I have made the short-term appointment of Mirella Faulkner to the Prep Steiner classroom.  Mirella was a Steiner teacher at TPS when I first arrived in 2016 and left to pursue another career.  Mirella has been excited to what is happening at TPS and has been a Casual Replacement Teacher (CRT) for us for over a year.   Mirella and Lucy will have a period of transition and then Mirella will take over the Prep class until an official appointment is made via the DET process.  I hope this will occur by the end of the term.


These lockdowns affect each of us differently  and none of us will be ever be immune from the impact. My own family have also had their struggles during this time like many others. 


Don’t give up hope. 


Anne Lamott, an American novelist says:


“Hope begins in the dark. The stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.”


Together we shall overcome this time. 


Take care everyone. Don’t forget to reach out to us- even if you just need a chat.


Leon Bell
