International Students

It's Great to be Back! 

By Souloung Lee, International Student Program Education Support


International Students celebrated being able to return to school and see their friends, as the remote learning period finally came to a close.

Here are some of our students as they returned to classes at DSC!














See more of our international students' photos by clicking through the gallery below:

Top Students Term 2

Congratulations to the following students who demonstrated our College values both academically and socially during Term Two:


Harry B, 11A

Berry E, 9E

Danny K, 9G

Cindy L, 9G

Suey N, 11F

Jeffrey S, 10C

Jenny L, 9F

Nicolas W, 7F

Chloe W, 10C 


Harry Shows Us that Attitude is Everything 

Harry B (11A) didn't let remote learning get in the way of achieving his goals. Now he's even more resilient and ready for the rest of 2020 at DSC!


My name is Harry, and like every VCE student, I spent almost two months learning remotely. 


At the beginning, remote learning seemed like a disaster. But over time as I discovered study tips, the experience turned into a developing adventure that helped me build good habits.



Before remote learning began, motivation to study came from many sources including teachers and friends. However, when I was at home, I found myself procrastinating and getting distracted. I soon realised that there are actually many things that can help with motivation. For myself, cleaning is one of them. I love the feeling of having a beautiful and clean study space which always ignites my enthusiasm to study. Similarly, giving yourself a reward when you achieve something, such as completing your homework and understanding the lesson, can also help with motivation.



The obvious challenge with remote learning was planning your time effectively. You can easily spend hours on social media and the time flies crazy. But just spending 30 minutes every day to plan for the next day is very helpful. By doing this, you not only set goals and have a clear vision of what you need to do, but it also helps you keep track of your plans and effort.


Teacher Support

During remote learning I was lucky to have teachers who were always there for me and quickly answered my questions. I realised that I still could ask them question like normal and this helped ease my worries.


I saw remote learning as a challenge to grow up and cheer up because our generation is having a ‘once in a lifetime’ chance.