Middle Years 

This has been an unusual and challenging term.  As we head into the holidays, I would like to share with you Leonie Abbott’s “Invitation to slow down”.


When we slow down we are helping our central nervous system.

When we slow down we are helping our bodies capacity to cope.

When we slow down we can prepare for learning.

When we slow down our brain are calmer and our cortisol levels reduce.

When we slow down it is easier to keep a safe distance from others and see the space around us.

When we slow down we are likely to notice the small joys.

When we slow down we will be tuned into our children.

When we slow down we can help students transition back to school.

When we slow down we can reframe the complexities of the world.

When we slow down we have vision, understanding, clarity and acceptance.


If you are interested in the idea of slowing down, I recommend this You Tube video by Maggie Dent. This series was released by Positive Schools, and I recommend the twelve videos. 

Link to Maggie Dent: https://youtu.be/a5SuLc30QEg

Series : https://www.youtube.com/user/PositiveSchools/featured


As this term comes to a close, I encourage all students to; 


Focus on the positive things in your life.

Focus on your friendships.

Focus on developing grit and persistence.

Focus on your capacity to self-calm.


Over the holiday, I encourage you to reflect on these questions.

  • Who are the people that make a difference in your life? 
  • Who do you admire? What can you learn from them? 
  • What outcomes do you want to achieve?
  • How would you achieve them?
  • What qualities do you need to call on?
  • Are you proud of how you have coped with the challenges this term?
  • What are you fascinated by? 
  • What do you care deeply about? 
  • How might you make a difference to others right now?
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What have you learned during this time? 
  • How might life be better as a result? 

In Wellbeing classes, we have reflected on the importance of motivation and explained this is an important element of being a student. Two key questions are “what really brings you to life?” and “what energises you?”. As students restart their year and head into Semester 2, it is important that they reflect on these deeper questions. Here is a Positive Education clip by Dr Russ Harris that was shown to students during the remote learning programme. Link: https://youtu.be/jN677MKo0EA

I would like to wish you all a safe and restful break, and I am looking forward to a dynamic Term 3.


Julia Winter Cooke