From the Principal

It takes a village to raise a child!   African Proverb


Last Friday, we received the encouraging news that the South Australian border restrictions will be lifted and that the Federal Government is piloting trials to return international students to Australia.  Term 2 has finished strongly as we successfully returned to the classroom and our new ‘normal’ rests comfortably with most. 


As I reflect back on the term, the support for our continuous Remote Learning Program was most heartening. We watched our students flourish into global, digital citizens and proud, autonomous learners.  Over the break, it will be important to consider what must be maintained in order to continue to grow these skills. 


I would like to thank and commend our excellent team of College staff for going above and beyond to deliver exceptional learning experiences for our students via remote learning.  In particular, I must acknowledge the work of my Executive and especially Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning, Mrs Susan Bradbeer who only started in this role at the start of the year. The Executive’s leadership, vision and collaboration has been nothing short of extraordinary. 


Creating confident futures demands a deeper understanding of our children and COVID-19 forced us to, not just think outside the box, but create a new one. History will undoubtedly record many great moments this year but my highlight thus far was that we collectively rose to this challenge ‘together’.  By demonstrating a willingness to learn differently, we achieved something exceptional.  I could not be prouder!   


Enjoy a well-deserved break.


Dr Andrew Hirst