Remote Learning Heroes

Each week our School Captains will be announcing Remote Learning Heroes - as nominated by class and specialist teachers. We will publish a fortnightly list here but you can look forward to the special 'hot off the press' video recordings each week on a Tuesday from our Captains via Compass and Facebook. 


Remember to scroll down for Week 5.

Remote Learning Heroes of the Week

Week 4



Lachie H - For an excellent description of what an exclamation mark is for.

Maeve R - Amazing phoneme fisting of words via WebEx

Micah M - Excellent contributions to our small group reading session

Chris B  - For being bucket filler with his smile and kind words.


 Max  -  For working so hard in our reading group, pointing to the words as you read

Amelia - for speaking up in a group and sharing about her brilliant Lego fire truck.


 Zohara S - for making a fantastic clock for maths this week 

Toby J  -   for doing his best to be brave during whole class Webex meetings

Kaylee MR - for working extremely hard to trace, write and draw neatly

Jack F - for trying hard to become an independent writer.


Victoria L - always challenging herself in Maths

Flynn M - his enthusiasm in our reading groups

Cora R - always having something interesting to say in our Webex meetings

Ivy V -  working hard to earn her Pink Hot Words.


Year 1



Jackson K - for working hard to complete his Reading and Writing tasks

Bonnie - for the positive attitude she has taken towards remote learning

Charlie - for sharing lots of the interesting experiments and learning that he has been doing whilst at home

Alex  - for always offering ideas and participating in our class Webex meetings.


 Harry S - for your clever, humorous narrative you wrote with great effort and enthusiasm  

Seby L - for contributing positively to our first small group online reading session.

Will  -  for your organisation and effort you put into your Maths task displaying your learning on ‘sharing’

Milla - for the positive attitude you have towards remote learning and the effort you put into all your tasks.


 Tyler R - for continuing to work so hard and always with a giant smile on his face. 

Leila P - For creating a fabulous ANZAC wreath with her mum. 

Ethan P - For his great work in Maths by ordering his toys from smallest to largest. 

Eleanor B - for having such a positive attitude towards everything she does.



Renee - For producing some fabulous writing pieces, using wonderful detail and descriptions.

Hiroto - For putting such incredible effort into all his learning tasks, we are so proud of you.

Mia - For the beautiful writing she has been doing. You have such a high standard of work Mia!

Eloise - For taking care and effort when completing her work. Your work is presented beautifully Eloise!


Year 2



Ruby B - Congratulations Ruby on the fantastic job of learning all your ‘Hot Words’.

Lincoln B - For the lovely letters you wrote this week. They were very special

Isabelle C - For the great effort you put into your remote learning. You seem to enjoy everything you do

Emilia S - For working so hard and posting all the interesting work you have been doing. Great Effort.



Zara M - For her excellent writing on animals - great job! 

Flynn T - For your dedication to remote learning and always being up for a challenge

Ruby M - For all the hard work and effort you put into every learning task

Lara S - For your consistent positive and caring attitude towards others. 


 Imogen - For completing work to a high standard

Sara  -  For writing a great procedural text, how to tie a shoelace 

Sophie - For finding fun ways to complete your learning. Water balloon activity looked like fun

Eli - For being so positive in remote learning and doing the best you can.


Yumiao F - For always completing and presenting her work to the best of her ability

Rory M - For accepting challenges and choosing to extend his learning

Layla H - For her positive attitude towards completing her learning with Mum

Emily W - For taking pride in her work and choosing to share her learning with others


Year 3


 Tahlia McM - For her excellent contribution and listening during class Webex chats.

Isabella G  - For the positive attitude you have towards remote learning and the effort you put into all your tasks

Taha H  - For all the effort you are putting into your work

Amos   -  For your contribution to class webex chats.


 Xavier M. - For consistently submitting work of an extremely high standard

Kai W. - For reading teacher feedback and acting on it to improve his learning

Charlye D. - For having a wonderful work ethic with regard to home learning

Jace B.A. - For always giving his personal best in every learning task.


 Matisse B- For her excellent participation during Webex calls

Isabella.F - For consistently presenting her work well

Eva.S - For demonstrating bravery by regularly sharing her work

Darcy.S - For consistent courteous behaviour during Webex calls.


Year 4


 Zoe S  - her hard working efforts and positive attitude to her remote learning work. Keep it up   And her outstanding poster on Dolphins facts

Charlotte P - for her amazing effort to always make her work outstanding even at home

Taylah S  - Great work on time this week and making and showing her sundial that really worked !

Douglas H - For his great contributions made in his maths work on time this week and completing all the tasks!


 Ruby M - For her keen attitude towards keeping up with her peers regardless of how she is feeling

Mitch T - For his creative takes when submitting each piece of work

Ben W - For keeping a positive routine going at home during remote learning time

Laura F - For always seeking advice regarding her work if she is unsure.


 Lucien D - For his excellent descriptive writing about a very special toy

Caeleb M - For outstanding effort and his personal best while working extremely hard at home

Leah P - For amazing research and presentation skills while following your passion of birds

Charlotte L - For a very informative and beautifully presented book all about wombats.

4T (Mrs Doyle) 

 Keira E -  for including many nonfiction text features in your excellent informative presentation on “Flamingos” in Slides. You are now an expert on flamingos and Slides!  

Ruby P - for completing all set learning tasks on the Grade 4 site. It is a pleasure to look at your sensational work each week

Harry J - for following the daily timetable, completing set tasks and uploading them to Google Classroom each week. I especially liked reading your fantastic informative writing on “Soccer” and “Wolves”

Jazlyn C      - for consistently showing respect, kindness, patience and enthusiasm when working with everyone in 4T.


Year 5


 Malakai G - For his excellent participation in our Class Webex this week

Hugo V G - For teaching the class how to change their backgrounds in Webex

Charlie B - For continually uploading every piece of work that is assigned to you

Utkarsh C - for his excellent report on Anzac Day and taking upon feedback to improve his work.



Brooklyn N - For being a resilient learner and working to his personal best!

Oscar W - For consistently working to your personal best!

Emma D - For working to your personal best!

Lucas S - For setting a great example during our WebEx meetings!


 Madison C - For continuing to strive for her personal best in all she does, uploading every piece of work that is assigned and giving it 100%, well done!

Alexander H - For his continued dedication to his school work, uploading every piece of work that is assigned.

Zoe F - For her amazing sensational start to her story ‘The New Ruler’. Well done - what a fantastic narrative!

Liam K - For excellent word choice in his story ‘Escaping The Forest!’ You really immersed your reader by creating a great ‘hook’.


Year 6


 Sinead K - For being an invaluable part of our Google Classroom ‘tech support’ and always helping others out!

Parsa H - For showing great persistence when uploading and submitting his work to Google Classroom

Dhana S - For showing excellent independence with her remote learning and constantly seeking and applying feedback to assist her

Nathan M -  For his excellent effort in solving riddles during our classroom trivia.


 Holly M - For consistently producing high quality work and being brave enough to share some of it with her class on Webex

Tegwen R - For experimenting with each new concept in Writer’s Workshop, and writing incredibly mature and thought-provoking pieces

Lachlan B - For submitting an outstanding quality of work that shows a genuine reflection of his understanding of the Learning Intention

Lucy G - For advocating for her own needs as a learner and asking for resources that allow her to achieve her personal learning goals.


 Zach A - for consistently completing his work to a good standard and on time and asking clarifying questions of the tasks

Charlotte R - for demonstrating great resilience as she navigated tricky technology issues and solving them

Gemma K - For being a resilient learner and regularly checking with her teachers as well as writing a great narrative and reading it with expression.

Lochie B - 

For always checking in with his teachers when unsure of work so that he can do his very best effort.



Visual Arts Zac M (4T) - for photographing an intriguing collection of interesting textures.
Performing ArtsVictoria L (FW) & Edward L (2K)- For great teamwork and working creatively to complete tasks.
Physical Education Oliver C (6B) - for demonstrating great physical skills and persistence in achieving challenging goals.
Japanese Emily L (4B) - for her amazing and accurate hiragana writing.



Remote Learning Heroes of the Week


Week 5



 Sarah A - For her fabulous effort at retelling the story this week.

Sade C - For her excellent work on 2D shapes and patterns.

Toby S - For the energy you bring to our whole class Webex sessions.

Alfie B - For the contributions you make to our Reading Group sessions.


 Reuben M - his enthusiasm in our reading groups.

Nina P - always having something interesting to say in our Webex meetings

Abby M - Excellent contributions to our small group reading session.

Myles W - for working so hard to learn all of his HOT words.


 Leni S - for trying so hard with all her learning and always joining Webex meetings with a smile. 

Cailin N - for being really brave during Webex reading groups!

Amelia G - for doing her best with the ‘Disgusting Sandwich’ writing activity.

Jullian - for putting in so much effort to learn the names and sounds of letters.


Zoey W - thinking carefully in our reading groups.

Amaya T - excellent reading of her Mother’s Story.

Tallejah W - writing a wonderful sentence about her Mum.

Chloe C - always trying her hardest no matter what she does. Great job!


Year 1



Jemma- for completing an excellent procedural text on “How to make a cup of coffee”

Helaina- for always offering ideas during our class Webex meetings.

Ava- for working hard to complete set tasks. 

Annabelle- for creating a fantastic 2D shape dinosaur for Maths.


 Anna- for being brave and sharing her ideas during our class webex meetings. 


 for the effort you put into completing your sharing task for Maths. Well done!


 Issy B- For being super motivated with home learning and independently creating a very descriptive and entertaining Fitness Video with her toys.

Eden S- For extending himself with his home learning and tackling the challenge task in Maths. 

Johnnie O- For writing a very clear, detailed and well laid out procedural text about 'How to play the Piano'. 

Vincent D-

 For writing a very well written and detailed procedural text on 'How to make Garlic Bread', with some great illustrations.



Ben J - For the wonderful effort he has been putting into all his remote learning tasks.

Evie - For all the hard work and effort she is putting into her writing.

Ben K - For having such a great attitude to learning! 

Rachel - For the creativity she brings to all of her work.


Year 2



Noah S- For the consistent effort he puts into his Remote Learning.

Amelia P- For the great work she has done on her ‘Hot Words’. Keep up the great work.

Calan R- For his great effort of regularly working through all the tasks in his Remote Learning.

Milla Snell- For doing her personal best in all areas of Remote Learning.



Airlie M - For her extraordinary effort in all tasks. 

River N - For his fantastic reading and perseverance through Remote Learning. 

Charlotte A - For her outstanding writing during remote learning. 

Ashley Z - For consistently doing his personal best in all required tasks. 


 Caitlyn - For persevering with remote learning even though it has been difficult. 

William - For always having a smile on your face, even after breaking your wrist.  

Harper - For having a positive attitude when working with Elsabe. 

Jackson - For completing writing tasks to a high standard



Zac L -  for the growth in his self-belief and the fantastic effort he is putting into his learning

Molly N - for the confidence in asking to share her joke during our class meeting

Phuri J - for finishing many writing pieces during remote learning

Angelique T - her positive attitude and poise when sharing during our class meetings


Year 3


 Jack A - For the consistent effort he puts into his Remote Learning.

Siara H -  For the excellent persuasive piece about whether we should keep animals in zoos or not. Well done. 

Belinda Q - For her excellent participation during our class Webex Chats.


 Fraser  G - For a highly entertaining piece of persuasive writing this week!

Sam H - For consistently engaging with remote learning in a positive way, always giving his personal best.

Yeonoo K - For taking feedback on board and having another go at a learning task.

Josie S - For a well crafted persuasive piece about Summer being better than Winter!


 Hannah E - For her wonderful effort with submitting all set tasks.

Charlie L - For his impressive persuasive piece of writing.

Lazer  S - For his wonderful effort with the persuasive piece of writing.

Nellie W - For her excellent participation during our class Webex chats.


Year 4


 Curtis H - for his wonderful dragonfly slide show presented to the our  webex group.

Micah T - for his sensational presentation and delivery of his  facts on the potoroo in his webex group

Chloe RV -  Her amazing effort shown in her remote work at home in Maths and Literacy. Your creativity is amazing!

Hani O  - for his great presentation on all the facts about cats and speaking so well during our small webex class.


 Dylan K - for keeping up his positive habits in writing presentation during our period of remote learning. 

Alexis W - for her enthusiasm for communicating with her peers and checking in on their wellbeing during our period of remote learning. 

Rory T - for continuing to work hard and submit a range of interesting pieces through our Google Classroom. 

Persephone T - for her amazing work composing and presenting information on Sea Turtles. Her poster was beautiful!


 Shree P - For her amazing work creating a variety of informative texts over the past few weeks. Awesome research and presentation skills.

Gus J - For always having such a positive attitude and approach to challenges. Your quick wit and sense of humour is infectious.

Sayane -  For creating an inspiring, musical Writer’s Notebook page. Great work!

Darcy T - For his amazing work creating a variety of informative texts over the past few weeks. Awesome research and presentation skills.

4T (Mrs Doyle) 

 Bailey E - for following the daily timetable, completing all set tasks brilliantly and then uploading them to Google Classroom each week. I am really proud of your excellent work ethic Bailey! You are a superstar!

Sadie G - for including many nonfiction text features in your excellent informative poster on the Brown Bear. Your poster was neat, eye catching and informative. I was blown away!

Mikayla E - for creating an outstanding poster on the Pygmy Mountain Possum. You included many important facts and used nonfiction text features to create an informative and attractive poster.

Jordan Z - for completing all set tasks and uploading them to Google Classroom each week. I especially liked reading the two humorous narratives you wrote Jordan, they were very entertaining.


Year 5


Aiden - For his bravery in making a video for Cheryl.

Ava - For continuing to seek feedback about her learning

Mackenzie- for her excellent collection of words whilst reading a non fiction text

Max - For his improvement in his handwriting during remote learning.



Oscar W - for continuing to work to his personal best in all areas of remote learning.

Abigail B - for your outstanding work in maths over the last 2 weeks!

Tabitha S - for continuing to work to her personal best in all areas of remote learning.

Kaiya H - for always presenting her work to a very high standard.


Ruby G - for consistently producing outstanding work. You have shown your resilience over this time, well done!

Xavier L - for continuing to strive for your personal best, it has been a pleasure to watch you thrive over this time.

Thomas M - for taking pride in the work you produce and continuing to be an active participant in class discussions when sharing your work over our Webex calls. 

Evie R - for continuing to strive for your personal best in all that you do. Keep working hard!


Year 6


 Ryan Z - for his fantastic sense of humour when combining his passion for emoji's with his work on integers!

Jimmy Y - for working hard to refine his writing and using punctuation to guide his expression!

Billie M - for consistently producing quality pieces of work and submitting all tasks on time. You have really excelled during remote learning!

Sienna S - For showing persistence when working through maths problems with her peers using Google Chat.


 Jett P - for the time and effort you have put into refining your writing piece. Your ability to apply feedback is outstanding.

Alana W - bringing verve and humour to our class chats on Webex and in Google Classroom. Thank you!

April D - for consistently producing outstanding work- you are a self motivated learner and have such high expectations of yourself!

Charlotte O - for sharing new and creative ways for us to connect as a class- we really appreciate your ideas!


 Isabelle W - for producing great research for her CBL tasks - very interesting indeed!

Riley O - for consistently checking in, completing his work and not letting a damaged thumb stop him! Great resilience!

Zach A - For being on time, working hard, and turning in some great work!

Millie G-J - for putting in 100% effort into understanding her tasks and regularly checking in through Webex.



Visual Arts Michael J (3KB) For the meaningful ANZAC artwork he made using photos and memorabilia of his family.
Physical Education Ava J (5 DW) - for consistently completing the set Physical Education tasks each week with really great effort.



Serene Y (3AT) For your amazing determination to reach your personal very best in the hiragana game.

Performing Arts


Ella (3SB) for making a musical instrument that could play two different pitched notes out of things she found in her home. 

Isla (3SB) for persisting at a task that she found difficult.