Music News- Week 16

Music Eisteddfod

The John XXIII College Music Eisteddfod is fast approaching! With over 500 entries into this year’s House Competition, the Eisteddfod promises to be a wonderful celebration of Music at our College. Our amazing Audio/Visual Team is preparing to record student performances to share with parents and friends, given the changed circumstances of the sessions this year. Parents who do not wish for their child to be included in the final recordings must contact the Music Office directly.


As the Music Eisteddfod will be run entirely during school time this year, students are encouraged to set electronic reminders to themselves of their sessions. A schedule of categories is listed below – students are requested to quietly gather outside these venues 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. Each student will be given a souvenir program of the event, which also contains the full schedule and record of their performances.


Students who are in multiple, simultaneous sessions should be certain to contact the Music Office, to arrange a start/end of session performance slot. Please refer to any parent communication and next week’s newsletter for any future changes to sections.


Please contact the Music Office with any queries or for further information.

Autumn Soiree Recordings

We are excited to announce that ensembles preparing for Autumn Soiree are to have their performances recorded!


On Thursday 18 June, the St Louis Sports Centre will be converted into a recording studio, for the purposes of creating a digital concert for families of the College to enjoy. The concert recording includes all ensembles scheduled to perform in the Autumn Soiree: Wind Band, Concert Band, Chamber Orchestra, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Swing Band, Treble Choir and Chamber Choir. With the high expectations of standard for a digital recording, students are asked to be particularly diligent in their attendance at rehearsals in coming weeks, and to attend to their individual parts in lessons and practice. Families should also ensure that Performance Uniforms are secured and labelled by this date.


Please see below for a schedule of the recordings. Students should meet in their Performance Uniforms in the Performing Arts Centre entry corridor 15 minutes before their recording time in order to collect instruments and music – not in the Pavilion or St Louis Sports Centre as this area will be cordoned off.



The College has converted Thursday 18 June into an assembly timetable in order to facilitate the recording, so please be mindful of the adjusted times. Sessions are strictly controlled and students late to a session will miss the recordings.


Please note the following regarding Music Performance Uniforms:

  • Students in Wind Band and Concert Band may arrive at the College in Performance Uniform (and change into Winter or sport uniforms at recess).
  • Other students should store their labelled Performance Uniforms in the Performing Arts Centre on allocated racks.
  • Students in Chamber Orchestra, Swing Band and Chamber Choir will change into Performance Uniform at lunch, but may depart the College in Performance Uniform.
  • Senior Guitar Ensemble and Treble Choir will change into Performance Uniform at recess and into sport or Winter uniforms at lunch.
  • College hair and makeup standards apply.

Following the recording process, the College’s AV Department will edit the footage into a digital concert, planned for release to the College community in Week 9. Though we would certainly prefer to be sharing our music with the community through live performances, we are excited by the possibilities of our digital stage!


Please contact the Music Office or Ensemble Directors with any questions.

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

The annual Catholic Performing Arts Festival is proceeding for 2020! The festival will be operating under an altered format this year, with all performances to be submitted electronically for adjudication. While shields will not be awarded this year, this represents an excellent opportunity for College students to receive external feedback on their performances, without having to attend individual sessions!


Applications to perform in this year’s festival close on Monday 15 June and are conducted through the Music Office, with recordings due by Friday 21 August. Please contact the Music Office for further details.



James Kros

Head of Music