Around The Primary

Dear Parents

It has certainly been a very different and challenging start to the term for everyone. We are so proud of the way our students (especially our little ones) have coped with the ‘kiss and go’ drop-offs in the morning. 


The staff have noted the following in recent weeks:

  • each morning children are more focused and ready for learning
  • the start of the day is calmer
  • children are showing greater independence through completing small daily tasks, such as, carrying their own bag, unpacking and packing items and placing their bag in the correct place
  • children are showing greater resilience
  • friendships are being nurtured in the time between drop-off and heading into class
  • learning starts on time

From next week, Phase 3 of the COVID-19 WA roadmap allows for parents/caregivers to come onto the school grounds to drop off or pick up their children. However, they must still adhere to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.  To ensure this occurs, parents are welcome to bring their children to the classroom door or designated area but are required to remain outside the classroom. 


As the children have all come so far and we do not want to lose the momentum, we request parents with children in Years 1-6 to assist us by continuing to use drive through drop off & pick up in the morning and afternoon if this suits your circumstances.  Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary will receive specific information for morning and afternoon procedures.


If parents are coming onto the school grounds, we request that they diligently observe social distance requirements. Parents are asked not to gather outside classrooms or inside the school grounds once you have dropped off your child/ren. It is important to keep your farewells short and positive. A well planned, calm, quick and positive farewell from parents is a great way to start the day for the students, this is something we hope to continue next week.


As school routines return next week, parents are reminded to email the child’s class teacher, as well as, if a child/ren needs to be collected early (e.g. for a specialist appointment).  Parents will still need to collect a ‘leaver’s slip’ from the office on the day of the appointment. Once parents/guardians have collected this slip, they can then proceed to collect their child from the classroom door at the appropriate time.


The delivery of teaching and learning in all schools has been disrupted by COVID-19, adjustments have been made to the Semester One reports to reflect this context. Over the next few weeks, the teachers will commence work on these modified Semester One reports and will use professional judgement in their assessment and reporting of student achievement. 


Semester One Reports will be available on-line to parents on Friday 3 July from 3:00pm.


Parent/Teacher Interviews will be scheduled for the start of Term 3 to provide further feedback (details to follow).


A special thank you to all families for your patience, understanding and goodwill during this unprecedented time.




Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary


In the Loop

The pick-up and drop off guide for the Loop Drive Thru is as follows:


The Loop's Rules - Morning

  • Please drive all the way to the bottom of the loop (in front of the Administration building).
  • For safety, have your child exit from the non-driver (left) side of the vehicle.


The Loop's Rules - Afternoon

  • Smart queuing: Please do not arrive until after 3.10pm. If your child takes a little while to walk to the loop, then perhaps arrive even a bit later.
  • When waiting for your child in the afternoon please drive all the way to the Administration building to queue (this allows more vehicles to queue off Mooro Drive).
  • Be easy to spot: Have your surname sign displayed on your dashboard. The staff will then call your child/children, ready for your approach.
  • Keep it moving: If your child has not arrived at the loop, you will need to 'keep looping'. This allows other parents (with children who are ready) to start pick up.
  • Keep it safe: Once you have stopped in front of the Administration building, please stay in your vehicle. Staff will help your child get into your car safely from the non-driver side.
  • Please share this information with grandparents or guardians and remind them to stay in their vehicle.

Clever Counting

Pre-Primary students have been learning how to count to 10 in Japanese and how to write the numbers too.  The children were very clever as they also used play dough to make the shapes of the numbers!


Sports Update

It was fantastic to see so many enthusiastic runners at our first cross country training sessions.  We have been blessed with two stunning mornings where runners were starting the journey to build up their aerobic fitness levels.




It is important to note that rotation of groups is not permitted. Students are to remain in their allocated groups for the duration of Cross Country training. 


Thank you for your support in ensuring these guidelines are adhered to.


Mr Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator 

Counsellor's Corner

Attached is an article from Parenting Ideas expert Michael Grose which looks at charting a course past COVID-19. The resumption of more normal routines can come with its own challenges and it may take time to adjust to the new normal. 



If you have any concerns about your child or would like some information or resources to help children cope with COVID-19 or other challenges please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email or phone 9383 0469.



Mrs Anne Murphy 

Primary Counsellor