Principal's Message

Nurture.  Innovate.  Celebrate.

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,


In the 3/4 team, our Discovery Cycle this term explores change and technology. We will be researching the changes to technology over the years, the impact that technology has on our lives and consider if all technological changes are actually positive.


To help ignite curiosity about technology, we invited the Harkaway Primary School VEX team to present to our classes. This provided an opportunity for our students to learn about robotics and coding from other students their age. We have followed up this learning by learning about autonomous technology and how it has impacted our lives. 

On Monday 18th of July, we had four students from Harkaway Primary School (Ava, Caleb, Ruth and Natasha) show as some robots made by their group. The robots looked like a weird shaped cube with cool mechanisms on both of them. – Kaylee


Monday 18th of July was my first time seeing the VEX robotics team. So what interested me was how the robots were controlled by two joy sticks. So if you pulled the left joy stick forward and the right joy stick back the robots would turn right. – Shlok 


On Monday 18th July, four students from Harkaway Primary School came to talk to use about their VEX robotics. The most interesting part about it was when they told these stories about their times at competitions, because the stories were about when things went wrong! – Susanna


On Monday 18th July, we had 4 students attend our school from Harkaway Primary School to talk to us about their VEX robotics program. The part of the incursion I thought was most interesting was how the technology moves the robot. What surprised me was how the robots could be controlled or autonomous. - Dylan


Kind regards,


Darren Wallace                    Diane Morwood

Principal                                 Assistant Principal