From the Office 

News From the Principal

Pupil Free Day

School Council has approved Monday September 12th as a Pupil Free Day. 

Staff will be in attendance and use this day for and audit of our ICT files and for Term 4 Curriculum planning as well as a look into what exciting programs we will be offering in 2023! 


100 Days Celebration

Last week we celebrated Lucian's 100th day of Preps. (He doesn't look a day over 99). We know that he has plenty more 100's left in in over the next 12 or so years of his education. But well done on reaching the first 100.


Covid Safe Measures

We are continuing to issue RAT tests to families each week. If families do have an infected person and would like additional tests sent home, please contact Lisa to arrange. We ask all students, staff and visitors to continue to wear a face mask whilst indoors until the end of term- this may end up only being until the end of Winter, and will let you know, once it is confirmed. 

We will continue to run the classroom air purifiers in each learning space to assist with airborne particles.

Thank you to all of our families who have notified us of any positive or suspected cases in their household and those who have tested their children regularly. We really appreciate your cooperation and resilience during yet another tricky covid-time.

Raywood Railway Station Opening

Last Sunday the Raywood Railway Station was officially opened. It was great to see so many of our Raywood Families there. It was such a lovely community event with lots to see and do. Our sausage sizzle was a huge hit and we are very thankful to the Regional Rail Revival Team for donating funds to our school for us undertaking the BBQ. 

A huge thank you to Bree, Mez, Leanne, Lynley and Hayden for their efforts before and on the day. 


Cluster Athletics

All of our students have been training daily for this even and the students  in Years 4, 5 &6  are very excited to be attending the small schools cluster Athletics Day tomorrow (Friday August 12th). A reminder that students are able to arrive at school as normal and we will transport them to the Bendigo Athletics Centre for a 10am start. At the end of the day we will bring students back to school in time to catch the bus or walk home. Parents are welcome to come along and watch and also transport their own child/ren, if you are intending on meeting us their or picking up your child/ren at the venue and have not already let us know please contact Lisa ASAP- this saves us organising extra transport that we do not require.

Students need to bring along their morning snacks, lunch and drinks for the day. 


Breakfast Club

As per my message sent to parents earlier this week, there will be no Breakfast Club this Friday due to the the athletics being held on this day. Breakfast club will resume next Friday for all of our students. 


Parent/Guardian Opinion Survey

This annual survey will be sent home with students next week for our families to complete. The survey is anonymous and our school does not see any one families specific answers. Instead we are provided with total results as a percentage response to each of the questions asked. This survey helps not only our school plan for the future, continue to improve our programs and practice and better meet the needs of our students and their families; but also provides data to the region and Victorian Education Department and the state of education as a whole. 

Please take time to complete this survey and return to school in the anonymous envelope. We will swap the completed surveys for a small gift to each our our families upon their return! (Some may call this a bribe, but I like to think of it as incentive or payment for a job well done). 


School Council News

Our next scheduled meeting is to be held on Monday September 12th at 5.30pm.  A reminder to our School Council members to please respond to the email that was sent our on Tuesday so that we can approve specific events.  


That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy

News From Bree in the Office

Grade 4 Camp Payment

You can use your CSEF toward this camp,  please reach out to me if you would like to have this credited to the cost or if you would like to enquire about balance you have remaining from CSEF Payments.

Sign in Sign out Book

Just a reminder to all that if you are collecting your children early or dropping them of late that  for legal reasons we need  you call past the office and sign the late arrival and early departure folder. 

Saver Plus

Saver Plus is a free community program where participants build long term savings habits, their financial capability and can get up to $500 in matched funding for education costs.

There are two parts to the program:

1.           Saving – ANZ bank will match the money participants save ($1 for $1) up to $50 a month to a total of $500 over the 10 month program. 

2.           Money Minded workshops – fun, free workshops where participants build on their money management skills and we share lots of resources. These are held on Zoom and have never been more flexible to attend. 



Participants MUST:

  1. Be 18+ years old and doing the program for the first time
  2. Have Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card
  3. Have a Centrelink payment
  4. Be studying themselves or have a child that is studying
  5. Have some money from workincludes cash in hand work, child support payments and partner’s work

If this is something you may be interested in please call 1300 610 355 , visit or email If you have any problems please contact me and I can request a representative from Saver Plus to contact you directly.


Thanks Bree Blake





