Assistant Principal's Report
Term 3: Report
Parent Student Teacher Conferences –
We are very much looking forward to conducting our Term 3 PST Conferences on Monday 8 August from 12pm – 7pm. This day will be a student free day on Campus. Conferences will once again be taking place remotely via Microsoft Teams
Compass Lesson Plans
The use of Compass Lesson plans is one way that parents and carers can stay abreast of what is happening in their child's classes and have productive conversations about learning at home. Lessons plans appear on Compass each day prior to 8.30am and feature Learning Intentions and Success Criteria as well as the learning activities conducted in class and related resources. Having lesson plans available at the beginning of each day allows students the agency to prepare for their classes and to also review learning at the end of the week. It also supports them with continuity of learning should they be required to miss lessons for any reason
Student Health – A Shared Responsibility
Thank you to community members who continue to utilise the Rapid Antigen Tests. Where a student tests positive and is required to isolate, families must inform the College. Students who attend school and are a household contact, must also wear a mask during the school day. As part of the Department of Health mandate, when catching public transport all individuals must wear masks. Families are encouraged to ensure their child has a mask, if catching public transport. We continue to recommend students and staff wear masks while at school. Students can retrieve masks from the General Office in the morning, should they not have access to one. In the case a student is ill and does not have COVID-19, families must keep their child at home. While it is our priority for students to rest until they are healthy, students can still access learning materials from Compass Lesson Plans. Classroom teachers will provide support to students around their learning, upon their return to school.
Individual Education Plans
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) assist students who require a range of supports with their education. An IEP is a written statement that describes the adjustments, goals and strategies to meet a student's individual educational needs so they can reach their full potential. An IEP is essential as it helps classroom teachers plan and monitor a student's unique learning needs. IEPs are also known as individual learning plans, individual learning improvement plans and Koorie education learning plans. Parent/carers will have had communication from the Director
of Students or Director of student services if their child is placed on an IEP. Should parent/carers not be sure, please contact the relevant sub-school. Teachers already undertake many activities that personalise learning experiences for students. When schools use a planning approach that supports personalised learning, the academic achievement of all students improves.
Semester 2 Tutor Learning Initiative
The Tutor Learning Initiative has begun for this semester, with expert tutor teachers working to support students both in a withdrawal and/or an in-class intervention model. The students involved in the tutoring program have been identified through the analysis of learning and engagement data, and the families of those students involved have been contacted. The Tutor Learning Initiative is designed to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of Covid. The tutor teachers aim to support identified students to develop their learning confidence and efficacy, as well as their learner agency so that when the tutor is no longer there, they feel they can succeed. Parents will receive feedback on their child's involvement in the program towards the end of the year.
Senior School Subject Selections
Students entering Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2023 have now submitted their subject preferences for next year. The College needs to make important decisions on which subjects will run based on resourcing. This may mean that some students will need to be re-counselled into another subject.
These students will be notified in the coming week and a meeting scheduled to adjust preferences.
Mark Picone & Anthony Katsianos
Assistant Principals