
Year 8 Cyber Safety Day

The Year 8 cohort participated in the annual Cyber Safety Day on Tuesday 22 February. Students were guided through a program which consisted of informative videos, a presentation from the College’s Youth Liaison Officer from Auburn LAC and the completion of a booklet. The information and discussions shared on the day encouraged all boys to consider making positive changes to their social media and device use.


The range of activities were designed to have students reflect and learn about how to gauge the amount of time spent online and how to stay safe; gaining skills on how to use their device appropriately when engaging in online activities. 


The importance of developing a positive digital footprint was discussed, with students being reminded how items accessed, commented on or posted can be held and tracked by internet providers.  The importance of keeping private accounts on social media and avoiding disclosing personal information such as age and location was discussed.


Furthermore, as part of our ongoing commitment to educating and supporting students and their families across the College about the potential issues surrounding social media platforms, the College has arranged for Kirra Pendegast, founder of the ‘Safe on Social’ organisation to address members of the College Community on Tuesday 22 March.


Kirra will speak to Year 8 students during their Pastoral Care Period (PCP) and then present to parents/carers at the Parents’ and Friends’ Forum being held that evening.


Further details will be provided in the coming weeks.

TASS Parent Lounge

Absences - As parents/carers become more familiar with the new TASS Parent Lounge, it has been great to see a number of parents/carers beginning to utilise the Absence notification option. At this time, the notifications allow parents and carers to advise the College if their son is going to be absent due to sickness.


Once the notification is accepted, the type and reason is automatically generated to a student’s Attendance record.


I remind parents and carers that for other planned absences, advance contact should be made to their son’s Year Coordinator, Director of Junior School or Director of Wellbeing requesting Leave for the date/s required. 


For Leave of 3 or more days, parents/carers are to submit an ‘Application of Leave’ form. These are available on the College website.


Pastoral Care notifications - A key focus in 2022 is to develop more effective communication methods with parents/carers regarding their knowledge of their son’s wellbeing and student management. I am currently finalising plans to have parents/carers see Pastoral Care notifications issued by teachers, such as notices of Commendation/Infringement Slips and detentions. These should begin to appear in the Parent Lounge notification box from Week 5.


Parents and carers will have the opportunity to acknowledge receipt of the ‘PC entry’ in the Parent Lounge and, if applicable, contact the teacher by phoning the College on 

9763 1000.


Robert Simpson

Director of Wellbeing