School Council Report 

School Council Report

As we reach the end of another school year, it's an opportune moment to reflect on the last 12 months.


We have spent the bulk of the last year seeing the results of the latest investment into Beaumaris Secondary College being translated into the wonderful extension to our main Learning Centre. It's been extraordinary to witness how quickly this construction has taken place and on behalf of School Council I would like to thank Principal Debby Chaves, the State Government, the Department of Education, the architects, Clarke Hopkins Clarke and the builders Built Environs for their efforts over the past 18 months to make this a reality. We are scheduled to start using the new space at the start of 2022, the fifth year of Beaumaris Secondary College.


The introduction of crossing supervisors at the junction of Balcombe Road and Reserve Road is a significant step forward in improving the safety of our students in the community. I would like to thank School Council, Debby, Shannon Hewlett and Bayside City Council for ensuring this vital measure was put in place before the end of the school year. The safety of our students is paramount, and we will continue to lobby Bayside Council and VicRoads for further safety measures and improvements to be put in place in the new year.


Among other matters, School Council has spent the year ensuring our Curriculum, Buildings and Grounds, and Financial matters are all overseen appropriately with the necessary governance measures in place. I would like to thank all councillors, including the teachers, student representatives and our partners at the MCC, for their work in all these areas and many others. I would particularly like to acknowledge outgoing councillors, vice-president Annelise Pearce and Jen Jakobi for their expertise and input over a number of years. Our school is a far better place for having Annelise and Jen on School Council. I would also like to thank our Treasurer, Shaun Mooney, Nikki Fidler and Sam Morton for all their work this year.


It's been a challenging, difficult and frustrating year for so many of us, but we are ending on a high with the students back at school and many of the freedoms we have missed over the last two years coming back to us. On behalf of Council, I would like to wish you all a safe and merry Christmas holiday period, and hopefully 2022 is a far better and more positive year for everyone in our community.


Kind Regards

Steve Pearce


School Council President