Assistant Principal's Report 

Steve Bourbon

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

 Maya Angelou                                                                                  

Being new to a school can be daunting … even if you are an Assistant Principal!


When I started at Beaumaris Secondary College on the 4th of November, I had many of the same feelings our young people do when they start new. I was nervous, excited, worried about what I didn’t know, a bit self-conscious about making a good impression, and hoping that I would feel at home soon in this great school community.


Maya Angelou’s words perfectly describe the experience of my first few days and weeks.  As anyone who has started somewhere new knows, there was a rush of information and action in those early days.  I can’t say that I remember everything I was told, or all the things I saw being done. However, my overwhelming memory of starting at Beaumaris was the kind and warm welcome I received. From my first day, students smiled at me and said hello; colleagues warmly welcomed me into their conversations and learning spaces; parents welcomed me into our community; and leaders guided me through what was important to know, with great patience.


I will never forget that I was welcomed and made to feel like I belonged at Beaumaris, right from the very start.


As the blur of everything being new gradually comes into clearer focus,  some observations about how learning happens at Beaumaris are standing out for me:

  • the culture of kindness and respect in the interactions between teachers and students
  • striving for excellence underpins all that we do, especially the preparations for our College’s step into VCE  (having taught VCE and led VCE teams in 4 schools, I am impressed by the expertise and talent of our staff paving the way to VCE achievement and success)
  • the positive way our students have stepped up into their 2022 learning with purpose, curiosity and energy through the BE Program, after a challenging year of COVID-disruption
  • the warm welcome that was extended to new students transitioning to Beaumaris for 2022, and the preparations made to welcome our new Year 7s on Orientation Day. 

I am grateful for this opportunity to join Beaumaris Secondary College and I am looking forward to working with you all in 2022. 


Wishing you all a very happy and safe holiday.


Steve Bourbon

Assistant Principal