In the Community 

Bayside Youth Services and Boombox Events FReeZA youth event committee are inviting young people in Bayside to join us in our final event for 2021 “The Art of Picnicking”.


Since COVID-19 picnics have become a social phenomenon and a fun, COVID safe way to socialise with friends and family. In recognition of this, Council is hosting a Bayside-wide picnic for young people, to celebrate summer, friends and connection. 


It is very simple for young people to register for a picnic pack for $5.00 including a picnic rug, cooler bag, hand sanitiser, lunch box, sunscreen and mug, valued at over $85.00, 100 picnic packs are available, so please encourage students to register as soon as possible. 


It is easy for young people to register to be part of the Art of Picnicking:

  • Register for a picnic set below and agree to host a picnic between 29 November and 10 December with their friends and peers. 
  • Make sure the picnic is drug, smoke and alcohol free and follows all current Victorian Government COVID-19 guidelines.
  • Participants must be aged 12-25 and live, work or study in Bayside. Picnic packs are limited to one per household.
  • Send Council a picture of the picnic for a $10 Uber Eats voucher.
  • Enjoy the summer picnicking with their friends and peers.