From the Secondary Principal Team

This week the Secondary Campus has been a hive of activity as students re-engage with their learning. Students and staff have transitioned seamlessly into focused teaching and learning activities, with many 7-10 CATs and VCE SACs underway. There has been a concerted effort to engage students in their learning, examples of that this week have included the Year 7 VIA students design and construct Mathematical board games, and the Year 7 students engineer model cars for their Science CAT. VCE students have engaged in an intensive revision week in preparation for their upcoming examinations.
Earlier this Semester, the College undertook training with a commitment to embed and celebrate Australian First Nations wisdom and practices within educational programs. The Year 8 students are currently completing a CAT that investigates the seven seasons of the Kulin Nations, recognising the depth and importance of First Nation knowledge of the lands on which our school is based. Koorie students from the Secondary Campus have begun work on an art installation at our Jardier Terrace entrance. The installation pays tribute to the tribal groups of the students by proudly displaying their tribal totem animals – the koala, kangaroo and black cockatoo. Proudly sitting atop the installation will be an eagle – paying tribute to Bunjil the creator. Additionally, the school has engaged with a local Wurundjeri and Yorta Yotra artist, Simone Thomson, to create a mural for the Campus, strengthening our ongoing connections to ancient culture, knowledge, land and waterways.
This week the College has commemorated Remembrance day, this year marking the 103rd anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). To pay tribute to all Servicemen and Women, The Lakes observed a minutes silence and unveiled a beautiful poppy memorial in the learning street, symbolising hope and peace for generations to come. Mischa and Jayde from the Year 11 History class gave moving speeches during the unveiling of the memorial, please see our Facebook page for the unveiling and their transcripts.
As we head towards the end of the year we also begin our preparations around 2022. The Student Leadership handbook has just been launched on our website with applications opening for 2022 School Captains, Vice Captains and Peer Support Leaders. The selection process for these positions will take place this year so that we can transition the successful applicants into their 2022 roles.
Bonnie and Bill