From the Primary Principal Team

Hello to our Lakes families,
It has been wonderful seeing our students getting back to all things we hold dear here at The Lakes and that is continuous learning. Adjustments to individual learning programs continue to be staff’s purpose and even after an interrupted school year, we are seeing major gains in students learning, the way they interact with each other and the ‘Can Do’ attitude and resilience of students to just push through when things are not going the way they want, or tiredness sets in. It is a marathon not a sprint and every student will develop differently or have different experiences especially across the last eighteen covid-interrupted months. Remember that our door is always open if families need any support.
Yesterday we paused to commemorate Remembrance Day. This provides a special reminder to our students about the sacrifice and commitment of all those men and women who have served our nation in active service. Our student leaders did a great job to firstly organise the ceremony and then deliver it with the support of teachers. The conversation following from this within classrooms was rich and full of questioning from our students. Well done to all involved.
Our 2022 Prep cohort will start their learning journey this coming Thursday November 18th, 2021. Schools have now been permitted to allow these students to visit on-site and to make up for a bit of lost time. With this, we have decided to do transition in small groups to really get a better staff understanding of each new Prep student and develop stronger relationships. The program will operate for a total of four weeks, and we are looking forward to officially welcoming our new Preps in 2022. Transition activities are built around ensuring that students become familiar with school life and life at The Lakes. All of these activities I have just written about represent the more visible elements of our Prep transition program. What you might not be aware of or see is the extensive work of our staff organising the best class structure, preparing our students through experiences that build knowledge and skills required for the next stage in their learning. Information sharing is an ongoing process here at The Lakes with information being passed from staff member to staff member around individual students and cohort needs across Prep-Year Six. This will take full affect leading up to the end of the school year in readiness for 2022. The result of all of this work is a high-quality transition process which ultimately gives all of our students the best start to school each year.
As per previous correspondence, we have organised KAMBOOM Sports to come out to our Primary Campus to run a Prep - Year Six Olympic style event this Monday. This is no cost to families and students will need to come in school uniform and comfortable runners on the day. The focus on the day will be to get students to work in teams, to cooperate with each other and have fun. Something that is welcomed and needed for our students who have gone through a lot across the past year. Some of the activities include the Wacky Wheel, Spider Ball, Rocket Zone, Mini Golf and Fruit Frizbee just to name a few. It will be great to see students trying new things and working together to get gold for their country.
Unfortunately, we will now have to reschedule this event to Monday 29th November due to weather, with normal schooling taking place this Monday.
Have a great weekend and thank you for your support.