Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers 


5 / 6 Camp

I will be on school camp as you read this newsletter and having a great time, I am sure. We will send photos through to the school and upload them to ClassDojo along the way. See you next week.


3/4 Camp

We welcome back our 3/4 Campers who embarked on their first camp in Anglesea last week. It was very successful and in this week’s edition, you’ll enjoy students’ recounts and photos from their time away


Transition (Prep and other)

2022 Prep transition starts next week on Tuesday 16th November from 9:00 – 10:30am. Please contact the school if you require any further information. We look forward to meeting and seeing our new students, families and friends as this adventure into primary school begins.


Primary to Secondary School Transition

Our Grade 6 students will be beginning their secondary school adventure this term too. The main Statewide Transition Day is on Tuesday, December 7th. Secondary schools are getting in touch with families with the intention of organising interviews and school visits prior to the day. Please contact your child’s prospective school for more information about this.


Internal Transition for Current and New ETRS students

As part of preparing our students for stepping up into the next year level, we offer 3 transition sessions. The first two sessions will take place on the 23rd and 30th of November for an hour. The final session will be for 2 hours. We encourage any new students who will be attending our school next year to join us on these days. If your family will be joining us next year and you’d like your child to be part of this, please contact the school.


Arrival Times

We have many students arriving at school before 8.00am. Please note supervision of students does not occur before 8.30 am. The gates are open at 8.30 am where staff are allocated to various supervision points throughout the school. To remain safe and under supervision, please do not arrive at school until 8.30 am.


Masks/Covid Update

Please provide masks for your children if they are in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6. Students in these year levels are to wear masks at all times when indoors as deemed by the Department of Education & Training and the Health Department. We appreciate your help when protecting each other from COVID 19. Masks are recommended for P – 2 students of which you can support where possible please. ETRS wants to remain open and provide the best education for your children every day, so, it is really important to purchase masks and send it in daily. Hand hygiene and social distancing continues to play a vital role in reducing the spread of Covid.  We encourage social distancing at pick up times and where social distancing cannot occur, please keep your mask handy to apply where needed.


ETRS Wellbeing and Inclusion Survey 

Over the next 3 years, the Department of Education will be providing our school with a significant amount of resources to support inclusion and promote students' mental health and wellbeing. This survey aims to gain an insight into the needs of our staff,  students and school community that will enable us to develop a vision for Wellbeing and Inclusion at Echuca Twin Rivers School. This vision will direct our future planning and guide the development and implementation of policies, processes and strategies that will ultimately foster the development of respectful, resilient, responsible and inclusive future members of our community. 


As you are completing this survey, please think about 'What do you picture for our students when they graduate from our school in Year 6?' Think of the new Foundation students starting with us next year, what skills and attributes do we want them to have when they graduate in 7 years time. 


We have added 'What else?' numerous times after the question. This is not a mistake but a deliberate attempt to prompt further thinking and responses. Click on the link below and this should take you directly to the survey. It will take approximately 5 -10 minutes to complete.


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your responses are important and valued; they will support the future direction of wellbeing and inclusion at our school. 



School Wide Positive Behaviour Update


This Term's Behaviour Focus: 

Our Value focus this term is to re-cap on all Values. 


Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Stay Safe. 


Julie Hommelhoff                   Anthea Mathers

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal