Education in Faith



This year once again we will have our Christmas Appeal. Mini Vinnies are currently busy getting ready. Hamper baskets were decorated in Christmas colours and tags for the Christmas tree were prepared with house coloured ribbons. 


As well as tags informing students what hamper items they can bring. I would like to say a huge thanks to the Mini Vinnies who have given up their lunchtime each Tuesday to enable these activities to happen.



Late November, our Giving Trees will go with gift tags of children, their age and whether they are female or male. We hope you will be able to buy a Christmas present for those children who may otherwise not get a present this year, especially with so many people out of work. 


As parents will not be able to enter the school to collect the gift tags this year, we are asking that you write a note in your child’s diary allowing them to collect a gift tag and the Mini Vinnies or staff will assist them each morning and afternoon to collect a tag. 


Late November or early December your child will also come home with a food/toiletry/Christmas item to purchase for their Home Group’s Christmas Hamper. 


Once again we hope you will be able to assist us in gathering food/Christmas items to help those less fortunate celebrate Christmas. 


This year all of the items we collect will go to the St Vincent de Paul Society Hampton Park, which is based at St Kevin’s, who will distribute the items mid-December to people in need within our community. 


On behalf of the Mini Vinnies I would like to thank you for your support. SFS always donates kindly to any of the appeals the Mini Vinnies organise. And remember House points will be given which will go towards the House Community Spirit Award, which will be presented to the House that has demonstrated their willingness to assist others less fortunate.


With thanks,

Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies



Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

This week the Church celebrates The feast of Christ the King as this is the last Sunday of the liturgical year. 


On this special feast the Church recognises and honours Christ as ruler of all. The love and care that Christ has for us is everlasting and all-powerful. He is the ruler of all in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God exists wherever love is present in the world. Therefore, the kingdom of God is already among us. 


However, when we see and experience the suffering and evil that exists in the world we realise that the kingdom of God is not yet here completely. The saving action of Christ continues throughout the world until the reign of God is here in full.


In this kingdom of God all people are welcome. Every person is included. No one is excluded, except those who exclude themselves. In the kingdom of God where Christ rules, people of every colour and race are valued. The kingdom especially belongs to those who are poor and lowly.


Jesus has absolute power in the kingdom of God. Therefore, we can always count on Jesus to be there for us. We can turn all our troubles over to Jesus with confidence that our prayers are heard. We can rely on the power of Christ’s love.

The gospel reading makes it clear that Jesus came into the world to save us and to bring about the kingdom of God on earth. It also tells us that in the kingdom of God, Christ is ruler of all.


We hear in the reading Pilate asking Jesus if he is “King of the Jews.” Jesus answers, “My Kingdom does not belong to this world.” This confuses Pilate because he is trying to find out who Jesus really is. Jesus reveals the truth that his kingdom belongs to God. The gospel reading today reveals that Jesus is both human and divine. The Preface for Mass describes the kingdom over which Jesus Christ is King. It is:

an eternal and universal kingdom,

a kingdom of truth and life,

a kingdom of holiness and grace,

a kingdom of justice, love, and peace.


Let us pray.

Jesus our Lord, your love is powerful and everlasting.

Thank you for always loving us and caring for us.

In your name we pray. Amen.

Jesus, King of our hearts and homes, hear our prayer.



Discussion Starters

What is the role and qualities of a king?

What are the qualities of a good king?

What does Pilate ask Jesus?

How does Jesus answer Pilate?

Where does Jesus say he is king?

What qualities of a king does Jesus have?

How do you rely on the love of Christ to help you?

How can you bring the love of Christ to those around you?

I can help Jesus build a kingdom of truth by . . .

We can make our home a place of holiness by . . .

Can you give some examples of where the love of Christ is needed most in the world?

Where do you see signs that the kingdom of God already exists in the world?

What can you do to help bring God’s love into the world?

How can you welcome people who are different from you?


One area in my life where I have a hard time and need to invite Jesus to be King is . 

Truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love, and peace—are these the building blocks of our families? What are you doing and saying to help build the kingdom that God has in mind?



Sacramental News 

Sacrament Levy

Please remember to pay your sacramental levy of $15.

If your child has received or will be receiving a Sacrament this year.



Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • Reconciliation for Confirmation will take place at SFS (during school time) on Wednesday 24th November.


Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Friday, 26th November

  • at St. Kevin’s Church at 5:30 pm.
  • All candidates need to start arriving at 4:00 pm for individual photos.
  • A group photo will take place at 5:00 pm. 
  • Confirmation Banners have been put up at St. Kevin’s Church. 
  • Prayer cards prepared by children have been distributed to parishioners to pray for our children. 


Confirmation Preparation:

  • Complete tasks assigned on “Sacrament of Confirmation’ Google Classroom page.
  • Please continue to join in at 5:55 pm to prayer the Rosary and recite prayers as part of preparation for confirmation.


Use the link below to join in:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 3295 7224


Please email me should you have any questions or concerns. 


God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose