Math's Masters of the Week
Week 7
Seth | For making wonderful strides in subtracting single and two-digit numbers with the aid of a number line. Your determination to improve in all areas of maths is admirable!
Addi | For always trying your very best during all numeracy sessions. You consistently challenge yourself and enjoy teaching others your well thought out strategies. Keep up the amazing work. |
12W |
Isabelle | Well done Isabelle, you have approached all your Numeracy tasks confidently and have not been afraid to try harder tasks, even though you know you might make a mistake. |
23R |
Jack | You are an enthusiastic learner who enjoys a challenge and you work efficiently to complete all your tasks to a high standard. Thanks also for being a great correction helper for me on Thursday.
34W |
| Dean super impressed with your mathematical thinking when completing “date maths” this week. You certainly gave your brain a real workout by challenging yourself and your partner Declan. Good for you!
45S | Urijah | You have shown excellent growth in your online assessments, and you have also demonstrated excellent resilience and focus (which is what maths is all about) in your work on division this week. |
| Daniel | For achieving an excellent result on your Number and Algebra On Demand Assessment. Well done! |
| For achieving excellent growth in your Number and Algebra On Demand and PAT Maths Assessments.
You also effectively used a range of maths strategies as you successfully solved a variety of written maths problems. A fantastic effort!
Week 8
Skye | For wonderful work in subtraction using the part-part-whole strategy. You worked independently to complete all your work successfully. Fantastic effort Skye! |
Logan | For attempting a range of mathematical learning tasks this week. It has been wonderful seeing your confidence grow! Keep up the great work |
12W |
Maddi | Well done Maddi, you have had a red hot go at all the subtraction lessons this week and are starting to understand how capable you really are! |
23R |
Elijah | You are an enthusiastic learner who enjoys a challenge and you work efficiently to complete your tasks to a high standard. Well done Elijah!
34W |
Zavier | You certainly got a few wrinkles on your brain this week with an angles challenge Mrs Tilley assigned to you in Mathletics! With collaboration with Angus Parkinson and Mr Smith you were able to learn how to approach these tasks. Well done on persisting!
45S |
Angus | Your obvious love of number makes you an obvious candidate for Maths Master Angus, and I have been very pleased to see you presenting your work carefully too! |
Olivia | Your commitment to continually learning and improving in Mathematics is fabulous. Your willingness to do better each week and absorb new facts and figures is fabulous! A wonderful approach to learning.
| For achieving excellent growth in your Number and Algebra On Demand and PAT Maths Assessments. You also effectively used a range of maths strategies as you successfully solved a variety of written maths problems. A fantastic effort!
Week 9
Harmony | For fabulous progress in number place this term! You have been working hard to recognise 2-digit numbers and where they belong on a number line and a 100s chart.
12W | Liv & Liam | For winning the Who done it Subtraction game today with Mrs Keys. |
23R |
34W |
Josh | You have demonstrated a great work ethic in maths tasks this week. Very impressed with the neat presentation of your grids. Well done Josh!
45S |
Liam | I love the way you get stuck in to maths – you are a very positive role model! I particularly enjoy listening to you articulate the strategies you use!
Izaac | For drawing a cube net and then constructing a cube to make a decoration for our class Christmas tree. Excellent work!
| For achieving excellent growth on your Measurement and Geometry On Demand Test. You also effectively used a range of maths strategies as you successfully solved a variety of written maths problems. A fantastic effort!