Assistant Principal's Page 


We are thrilled to invite our 2022 Prep Students onsite for their transition sessions starting next week.  This year transition will run in small groups (10 students or less) with one Prep Teacher facilitating the session.  We can’t wait to meet our future CHPS students.

All other levels are working through COVID-safe arrangements to ensure that students are adequately prepared to transition to a new learning level. This will mean at this stage that there will be no mixing between levels, however students will have the chance to play in their new areas and learn about some of the experience they will be able to enjoy in 2022. 

Safety and Security Reminders

Croydon Hills Primary School is well set up with fencing that encompasses our classrooms and many of our outdoor play areas.  Gates are opened by teachers at 8:30am and the yard is supervised from 8:45am.  Parents and carers who are double vaccinated are welcome to enter the school yard with their children. 

For families who choose to use the Drop Off Zone, can we please ask, for the safety of our students, that your children exit from the passenger side of the car.  Where possible, keeping the transition from the car to the footpath to under a minute will allow traffic to continuously flow.  The Drop Off Zone is closed from 3:00pm as it is not a safe place to park to pick up students, with a high level of foot traffic on Campaspe Drive from 3:30pm.

To ensure our students are safe and the school can monitor who is onsite, school gates are locked at 9:05am.  It is important that students arrive to school on time, meaning in their classrooms, as learning starts at 9:00am.  When students arrive even five minutes late they are missing core instruction from the classroom teacher.   If you find yourself locked in the school grounds, please exit through the Administration building.

Amy Prior -  Assistant Principal