Year 6 Camp
In week 2 from Wednesday 20 October until Friday 22 October our year 6 students were on camp at Dare Adventure Camp in Dwellingup. Olivia Beattie shares with you all, her camp experience of the activities held on Wednesday and Thursday of their time at Dwellingup.
The Year 6 Spectacular Camp Experience
Camp for the year sixes was amazing. Most have never been camping before, so this was a first time experience. We had 6 activities such as commando course, flying fox, archery tag, kayaking, night walk and orienteering. There were 3 staff who came: Mrs Andony, Miss Cross and Mr Troiani. Our time at camp went from 20th October to 22nd October, three days. The camp we were at was Dare Adventure Camp in Dwellingup. Sadly it rained on and off the first day but the rest was sunny days.
When the year sixes arrived after a two hour bus ride they unpacked all their things and met their camp instructor Kyle. The first activity was supposed to be the commando course but it took forever, for some reason. So Connor started jumping in puddles. After a while more students joined in and next thing you know every student was playing in the mud. Alannah and I had the idea of making a mud slip n slide. Also Caitlin had the idea of making a mud trap. surprisingly it worked and we captured Connor! Also there was a puddle that Bill and Jai were chillin' in.
After a while we finally did the commando course, but it was raining and windy. The first obstacle was balancing. Some needed help, others didn't. Next was the tyres. You had to quickly put one foot in after another and use high knees. Next was hurdles you had to jump over and the last one was really high. Some people fell off it. Next was climbing but then it started to rain so we went under the white tent and played a game until the rain stopped. The next activity was rope climbing. The rope was like a spider web. The next was a rope swing, like Tarzan in the jungle. Our last activity was the mud pit. So we got hosed down and that was the end of day 1.
Day 2 and Mr Cutting arrived. The first activity of the day was the flying fox. My opinion is that the tower to get to the flying fox was more scary than the flying fox itself. Some people only had one turn then played basketball. Me and my friend Jet continued, we even went upside down. It was great fun.
The next activity was archery tag. There were three groups: Jet and the Spoons, ETC and Camp Rich. I was in Jet and the Spoons along with Jet, Sam, Connor, Elouise, Isaac and Mr Cutting. I was not that good but later on I shot Yonis. After that we played Robin Hood. There were still teams but made up of different students. I got into the finals along with Alannah, Elouise and Connor. Alannah won.
The next activity was kayaking and we go onto a bus to go to the lake. Once we got there we had to lift heavy kayaks. I did kayaking with Connor. We were very great at it. There was a safety thing called "raft up". All the kayaks became one kayak. The first time it was hard but we soon got the hang of it.
Olivia Beattie
Year 6
Check out these photos of the students in action.