Religious Education


Mass day for this term will change to Tuesdays. Parents are welcome.

We will be having 3 Masses and a whole school Mass at the end of the year. 

Tues 30th Nov will be 3/4 at the Church  9.15 am.




First Eucharist

Congratulations to the 25 children who took the Eucharist for the first time last weekend. We hope that the peace of Christ be with them.

RECONCILIATION 30th November  2021          

Grade 3 children  

Next week on Tuesday we have Children from grade 3 receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation.  this will happen at the church at 12.30pm. Staff will take the children to the church and photographs will be sent to families.

PLEASE provide a stole for your child making the sacrament on Tuesday.

We ask the community to pray for these children. 




A Stole is to be worn during the Sacraments.  The Stole can be individual to the child or a family Stole.  The Stole can be hand made or purchased through our supplier. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS supplies the Stoles for the Parish. An order form has been sent home with children. 


To order these you can contact Anita and  pay for the Stoles via direct deposit. 

ANZ bank

Anita M Hughes

BSB 013-593

Account no. 322691326


Please put child’s full name in the details.

Candidates for Sacraments will be contacted 4 weeks before each Sacrament to order stoles so that there is time for these to be made. 


HOLY BEGINNINGS can be contacted directly if you wish to order your stole independently. 

Anita 0450 782 558 

Pope Francis Prayer Intention for November 


People who suffer from depression.


We pray that the people who suffer from burnout and depression will find support and a light that opens them to life. 

