
                                                                 Mrs Francis Scuderi

Presentation Night

Once again, our Presentation Night was a very special event. Presentation Night and Final Assembly are about acknowledging the work of all our students and staff. These events allow us to come together and congratulate the whole school community. Congratulations to all Dunhelen students and particularly students who were awarded School Colours, encouragement or subject awards. Your hard work is recognised and you should be very proud of your achievements. 

Step Up Day

For the first time, we have had Step Up Day for our Year 7 and 8 students. Students were given the opportunity to meet the other students who will be in their homeroom and in most cases, students also met their 2022 Homeroom teacher. We are hoping that this relieves some of the anxiety that may be associated with not knowing about the following year. I know that some students will be disappointed as they are not with their friends. I assure all parents that there are many, many factors considered when forming homerooms and, unfortunately, not all friendship groups can be accommodated. Please discuss with your child the importance of widening their friendship group and beginning to understand the necessity of being able to work with others. Students, can of course, catch up at recess and lunchtime.


Like every year, the Year 9 students were able to have a little introduction to school life in Brookhill during Step Up. We wish them all the very best as they enter the next phase of their learning journey. We hope that they hold some good memories of their middle school years. Good luck to all. 

2022 Staff Arrangements - Term One

Next year, I will be on leave for Term One. The Acting Head of Middle School will be Ms Jacquelyne Armstrong. She will be assisted by Mr Michael Patchell and Mr Tassie Eleftheriou. They will be working as a team to create a wonderful learning life for your child. 

Thank you

As we finish the year, I would like to thank the wonderful students and staff who make coming to work so much fun, the homeroom teachers and Dunhelen Administration who go above, and beyond and the Assistant Heads of School who are always ready to help and support students and staff. A big thank you to parents also; it is a pleasure working with you. 

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a new year filled with love, laughter, and good health. Remember to spend lots of time with loved ones. I look forward to working with you all in 2022.