Vision for Teaching and Learning at St Mary MacKillop College - a statement that drives the development of a high performance learning culture at SMMC


At St Mary MacKillop College we have high expectations of our students as we equip them with the knowledge, skills and dispositions for lifelong learning. We pursue excellence through a teaching and learning environment that is inclusive, engaging and encourages growth. We value collaboration, innovation and building strong relationships.


Last week was a wonderful celebration to farewell the graduating class of 2021 with House Liturgies and farewell assemblies. Many thanks to everyone involved in organising these celebrations.


Our Year 12 VCE and VCAL students have now finished their formal classes and our VCE Unit 3 and 4 students completed their first VCE exam on Wednesday 27 October. This was the three hour English exam.


We wish our students all the very best as they prepare for the remainder of their VCE examinations and life after secondary school. The tips in the link here may help students to maintain a healthy lifestyle during exams.


Whether it be further study or other forms of additional schooling/training, immediate employment, or an apprenticeship, we wish them every success. In the past two years, the class of 2021 have had to navigate extended lock downs and the continual switch from face-to-face learning to online learning, all with resilience and adaptability. 


Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, has recorded a message to 2021 VCE students and teachers. The video message can be found here.


Staff Professional Learning Day – Monday 1 November

On Monday 1 November, our staff will participate in a professional learning day focusing on teaching and learning. Our main presenter will be Dr Susan Nikakis from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). Dr Nikakis will talk about ‘Giftedness Leading to Differentiation’. During the day, there will also be an opportunity for staff to participate in breakout groups led by our amazing teachers who will share their wealth of knowledge with us.


Senior Student Transition Interviews

At St Mary MacKillop College we are committed to ensuring our students are well supported in the subjects they choose in the senior years, and that we prepare them for their journey beyond secondary school. In this newsletter, we have included information on the upcoming senior student transition interviews and the booking process for these. These interviews are an important part of our subject selection process, as the conversations we have ensure students make the right choices in terms of the subjects they wish to study next year. We acknowledge that learning is a partnership between teachers, students and parents, and we look forward to discussing subject selections with parents and students during these interviews.


Years 7 to 10 Semester 2 Exams

Due to the disruption to learning caused by our extended period of online teaching and learning in Semester 2, it has been decided that exams for Years 7 to 10 will not run in Semester 2.


2021 World Teachers’ Day – Australia

World Teachers’ Day will be celebrated across Australia on Friday 29 October 2021. This date is a little later than International World Teachers’ Day which occurs during our school holidays. World Teachers’ Day is an opportunity to thank teachers for the amazing work they do in our community.


We are truly blessed to have amazing teachers and support staff at St Mary MacKillop College. Despite the many challenges our staff have faced throughout this year, they have ensured continuity of high quality education for our students. Our staff are committed to playing a significant role in our College community. They are passionate about teaching, and inspire our young learners with their love of learning. We are part of a remarkable profession, where every day is a different day, and an opportunity to shape the future of our students.


Our teachers in Catholic schools, given their commitment to the teachings of the Catholic church, are very important. Teaching is certainly a vocation, and a calling from God, not just a ‘job’. Our staff place our students at the centre of everything they do, and on World Teachers’ Day we extend our greatest appreciation for all their work.


Recently I read a number of media releases and statements from different organisations regarding World Teachers’ Day.


This year, Victorian teachers have continued to show their resilience, leadership and adaptability throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers have adapted their learning environments, supported their students and school communities, and continue to share their knowledge with students across the state. (Victorian Department of Education and Training)


Developed by UNESCO, World Teachers Day is an annual celebration of teachers and teaching. In recognition of the challenges faced by teachers and students over the past year, the international theme for World Teachers Day 2021 is ‘Teachers at the heart of education recovery’. (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools)


During these challenging times, it’s never been more important to recognise the fantastic work of teachers. This year has seen Victorian teachers deliver quality education during a pandemic by showing incredible flexibility, courage and resilience. It underlines why teachers are so important to our society. Every day, we should be thankful for the significant role teachers play in the lives of children, students, their families and communities. World Teachers’ Day allows us to shine the spotlight on, celebrate and thank teachers for the work they do in improving student outcomes and shaping their lives for future success – every year and especially during the challenges faced this past year. (Victorian Institute of Teaching)