Farewell to our Year 12 Students

This time last year I reflected on how difficult the year had been for our students in Year 12. The online learning, lack of social interaction and very few school events had transformed what is meant to be the best year to one that they would remember for probably the wrong reasons.


And so, here I am, reflecting on this year and I am having a strange sense of deja vu!!


As a parent, both my second and third daughters have experienced Year 12 in very much the same way. And I know in all the disappointment and frustration, there is one thing they will only realise in future years, is the amount of resilience they both have - ALL of our students have. I am truly grateful to everyone in this school community who have continued to pick themselves up, brushed it off and kept moving forward. The support and compassion shown by everyone towards each other demonstrates that our Josephite identity is alive and well in this school!.


As I write this, the VCAA exams have begun. I wish all students sitting final exams the very best. In a few weeks they will be completed and the next chapter will begin.


God, Creator of all things and of human intellect, bless the students sitting exams with orderly thinking, curiosity for the work of your creation, and a creative spirit in their studies.

Lord Jesus, Son of God, help them to remain focused. Give them eyes to see the connections between their study and its value for life and service to others. 

Energise them and get their brains working. Send your Holy Spirit upon them to give them flexibility of thought and expression, good memory and calm nerves, the ability to organise their thinking and comprehend theories and facts that they may express with clarity and flair.

May your Spirit help them to overcome any discouragement and to rejoice in their accomplishment.

God of Wisdom, in whom we live, move, and have our being, bless your sons and daughters.

Bless their brains and every part of their lives.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus light of the world, guide us

St Joseph, journey with us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us.

Friday 29th October - World Teachers’ Day

This Friday is the day to recognise all teachers. With support from parents and carers, teachers have ensured education continued across our country this year, despite major challenges (again). It certainly has been a challenge to continue to work in a profession which, traditionally, has been in a classroom all the time. What was initially a HUGE change in the way we teach, two years later and we all are more comfortable and adaptable to this ever changing landscape. Hopefully, we are near the end.


We pray for all teachers everywhere - 


Giver of all wisdom and greatest of all teachers, look upon our teachers with love.

Grant them the resolve to nurture our eager minds and to never give up on us who fall behind. Bless their hearts for they rejoice when we succeed and encourage us when we fail 

And bless them with gentle patience for the path of learning is never easy

Kindle a spirit and passion in them it is the flame that ignites the love of learning in us 

Help them see the potential in each student 

Instill in them a commitment to keep on learning 

Inspire them to touch the future 

Bless our teachers who have come before for their work endures to this day 

Let the light of your example shine upon all teachers to build up with their words, to love with their mind and to share with their heart. Amen.


All Saints and All Souls Day - November 1 and 2

Each year on the first two days of November, Catholics throughout the world celebrate the Communion of Saints. The first day of November we call the Feast of All Saints; the second day of November we call the Commemoration of All Souls.


On the Feast of All Saints we remember the many good men and women followed Jesus’ way by living lives of servanthood. They cared for those in need and put others first, before themselves. They lived the true message of the Gospel. As a Josephite school, we especially remember St Joseph and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop on this day.


The Feast of All Souls is a significant day in our Liturgical Calendar because it gives us an opportunity to remember and pray for all those who have died over the past year; those who have died because of the Covid-19 pandemic; those who have died in conflict; those members of our own family and our circle of friends. We gather as one in holding all these people in our heart and prayers.