'Yishu' Arts Festival 2021

Another exemplary virtual Arts Opening for 2021! Behind a great production are the many great performers and crew. I want to begin by thanking our Producer - Kevin Phan for his incredible energy and ideas in bringing such a large event like this on the virtual stage.
It was a great pleasure and privilege to have Gheran Yarram Steel from the 'Boon Wurrung Foundation' open our show, not to mention Sean Ryan on the didgeridoo. Our special guests, ‘Dance Factory’ and ‘Forever Dance’, brought us the power of dance.
Congratulations to our most talented students and staff performers – here are the credits:
Mr T on acoustic guitar, Mr Coco on drums, Jorden Khauv on piano, Amy Gou – singing ‘mood and runaways’, Mr Graewolfe and the ‘magic show’, Barbara Gao, Bosen Young,
Ms Geraldine, special guest Yiannis Baloukis on ‘Bouzouki’, Tara Chea, Rishika Krishnakumar, Gloria Kiden, Ms Jarvis, Ms Coetzee, Ms Bao and Chinese group, Kaif Qais and Lipanha Khorn.
A special thank you to Sara Chea and Jorden Khauv for the introductions, Nicholas Rusmin and Krystal Nguyen for their wonderful words. Thank you to Ms P, Jessy Li, Ms Tetoros, Ms Priscilla, Naseer, Satchi, Ms Briffa and her gorgeous children – Carla and Marco for adding that special touch to the ‘Celebrate good times’ video.
The highlights of the week included the ‘secret sound’, ‘Masterchef’, ‘Masked Singer’ and the LIVE jam. Knitting, Photography, Origami and the ‘Ai Weiwei’ mask workshop were all major hits! Thank you to our SRC representatives and Ms Vasilakis for running the lunchtime ‘guess the song’ Kahoot. Thank you to Ms Besley, Ms Maggie and Mr Richardson for their support!
I hope we bought laughter to your lounge rooms with the greatest hit of all, ‘the collaborative staff song’! Our theme this year was ‘light and sound’, a dimension we wanted you all to experience in a show we had planned onsite. The plans shifted quickly as we found out we were going into another lockdown. We did bring a small part of the sound experience to you from the virtual space.
Another magic end to bring yet another ‘Yishu Arts' festival to a close with songs - ‘Celebrate good times’ by Kool and the Gang and ‘We are the champions’ by Queen.
2022 watch this space!
Ms Helen Ifandis
Year 10 & Arts Coordinator